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Who Should Apply to Liberty Big Picture High School?


  • Students who are one year or more behind academically and need to recover credits should apply. 

    • Students are self-paced, meaning that they dictate how fast they recover credits. Recovering credits is highly dependent on the student's level of interest, focus, motivation, and determination to work the learning process. 


  • 7th-8th Grade Program:  Students who are one year or more behind academically should apply.  See age requirements below:

    • 7th grade: age 14 by December 31st

    • 8th grade: age 15 by December 31st

Thinking about Liberty?

Are you a school administrator requesting an on-site information session? Request Here!

Need a handout for students and families? Liberty FAQ Handouts

Liberty student profile of characteristics

How do I Apply to Liberty Big Picture High School?

Step by Step Process How to Apply to Liberty Big Picture High

  • Step 1:  Tell JCPS Student Relations that you are interested in Liberty - click the link here to complete the Student Relations application. (this link opens March 31st at 7:30 am)

  • Step 2:  Look for an email from Student Relations. There will be additional information as well as a video that both a parent/guardian and the student must watch. 

  • Step 3:  Your virtual informational session link will be sent via email 24 hours before the date selected.  The email will come from Email Michael Carson; If you do not receive your link, please check your spam/junk folder.  If it is not in your spam, please contact the school directly.

Please note: this link is not to be shared. If you receive the link from anyone other than a Student Relations or Liberty employee, you will not be admitted to the info session (virtual or in-person).

  • Step 4:  After attending the information session and commitment contracts are signed, Liberty Administration will send your name to the JCPS Specialized Option Counselor.  

Please note: The Specialized Option Counselor will only contact you if you have attended and completed the necessary forms during the informational session.

  • Step 5: The JCPS Specialized Option Counselor will contact you to schedule an appointment to meet and discuss placement options. 

*If recommended, students will start at the beginning of each quarter.  It is extremely important for new students to start the first day of the quarter.

Please Note - In order to attend the information session, you must follow the process described above. Links to the info session are emailed the day before the session is held, and only those who receive a link directly from the school will be allowed into the session. If you receive a shared link, you will not be permitted into the session.

Liberty Process for Enrollment