Big Picture

Liberty & Big Picture Learning

Big Picture Learning was established in 1995 with the sole mission of putting students directly at the center of their own learning.

A pillar of the Big Picture Learning approach is that as much - and often more - learning can happen outside of the school as happens within it. Historically in our network, that has been facilitated through internships and mentorships, which many students partake in up to two days each week. 

Increasingly though, outside of school for us means outside of school altogether! BPL is working closely with crafts and tradespersons, community centers, Chambers of Commerce and more to stress that the key Big Picture distinguishers can be deeply embedded in all places of learning, not just schools.

-- from the BPL website


Find out more about BPL here!

Leave to Learn group at the MA Center

Student boxing at the MA Center

Liberty Timeline of Action to Adopting BPL as a Model of Learning

What is the learning process at Liberty?

How students learn at Liberty, a BPL Partner flyer

What are the 10 BPL Distinguishers that we value at Liberty?

BPL Distinguishers

What else to we value at Liberty?

Healthy Living and All-Round Wellness is a priority at Liberty

At Liberty, it is important to focus on more than academics. A well-rounded approach to physical and emotional health is part of our program as well.