How students learn at Liberty

Simple view of student learning process starting with student interests and ending with an intership

All students work their way through the three Big Picture Tiers and participate in Advisory daily.

A Key Experience of Liberty Students is the Internship.

Learn more about Work-Based Learning via the link below.

JCPS Work Based Learning Link

JCPS Work Based Learning Site - find all the answers to your questions about participating in WBL!

Big Picture Tier 1

Tier 1 is all about finding out who you are, what you are interested in, and finding direction. You will practice our 7P's for Success that are essential to managing a successful career (Prompt/Present, Polite, Productive, Participate, Persevere, Prepared, and Positive Mental Attitude. You will also practice speaking and listening skills, especially during presentations such as the benchmark "Who Am I" exhibition of learning.

Big Picture Tier 2

Tier 2 is focused on self-awareness and control, relationships, and interpersonal communication. Instruction includes role playing, reflection, self-inventories, critical thinking and problem solving with scenarios, and Socratic seminars. 

Big Picture Tier 3

Tier 3 is all about the Internship ultimately. You have explored yourself, working with others, met and interviewed people in the community, and now it is go-time. This is the dedicated space to find an internship. There is also emphasis on Workplace Ethics, Employability Skills, and Essential Skills for the Workplace.


Advisory is about building your community, exploring your interests, planning your learning path, and creating a pathway to internship. In Advisory, there is the safe space to be yourself, learn from others, practice, role play, give and receive feedback, and make school the place that you want it to be.

Throughout the program, the KAS for Career Studies, especially essential skills, are embedded and modeled.