Counseling Team

Amber Spencer headshot

Amber Spencer

Freshmen Academy Counselor 


Health Science Academy Counselor 

Natalya James headshot

Natalya James

Community Academy Counselor

dan wise headshot

Dan Wise

STEM Academy Counselor      

Whitney Handley headshot

Whitney Handley

College/Career Readiness & AVP Counselor

kim baker headshot

Kimberly Baker

Multilingual Counselor

Scott Mitchell headshot

Scott Mitchell

Grade 8 Counselor

Brook Blair headshot

Brook Blair

Grade 7 Counselor

Michael Higgins headshot

Michael Higgins

Grade 6 Counselor

For Parents:

TRIO Talent Search Information

The University of Louisville TRIO Talent Search program, a free college access program serving 7th-12th grade students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds who will be the first in their family to go to college, now has an online application. We are always interested in serving more students. Please share the link with any students you think might be interested in joining the program. Also, feel free to contact me directly with any referrals or questions you may have.