School Policies
The RedHawk Way
We ask that all of our scholars do things the RedHawk Way: Be Safe. Be Responsible. Be Respectful. Scholars who embody the RedHawk Way will often be recognized by champions, administrators, and other staff members. Our goal is to minimize behaviors that detract from the learning environment and create a positive, healthy school culture.
Scholar Rights
As a scholar at this school, you can expect to be treated fairly by those in authority. Your right to courtesy and respect will be honored. Of course, you will be expected to respect the same rights of others. You can expect champions to explain their methods of grading. You can expect your school staff to help you with problems to the best of their abilities. You can expect to be given a chance to tell your view should you be questioned about something for which you may be disciplined. You can expect the school faculty and staff to be serious about teaching; the faculty and staff of the school expects you to be serious about learning. For a complete outline and description of your rights as a scholar, refer to the JCPS Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook.
School Policy Directory
Be safe. Be responsible. Be respectful.
Do it the RedHawk Way!