Get Involved!

Volunteers are a valuable resource to our students, teachers, and school community. Volunteers serve as tutors, work in the library, chaperone on field trips, and provide clerical assistance. Parents/Guardians may not bring siblings/children to activities at which they are volunteering, supervising, or chaperoning. This procedure includes all in-class or out-of-class volunteer activities, field trips, class parties, and celebrations. Siblings may attend schoolwide public events, such as assemblies, performances, concerts, and fifth-grade recognition programs.
Volunteers are required by Kentucky state law to submit to a criminal background check prior to working in the school or attending field trips. All information regarding background checks will be held in the strictest confidence. Forms are available in the school office, or you can access them online Volunteer. Background checks must be updated every five years or as deemed necessary by the school.
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