I feel extremely blessed and beyond thrilled to serve as Shacklette’s principal. I truly believe that I have been called to make a difference in the community. Shacklette is an amazing jewel in the south end, and I am eager to serve as a champion for the students, staff, and families. Shacklette's mission and motto are aligned with my personal vision and my passion for education.
I envision a school community committed to inclusion, equity, and compassion. I also believe in modeling and setting high expectations for students and staff. In addition, I also believe in setting and maintaining a positive tone and being willing to put in the hard work alongside staff, students, and families.
I began my career with JCPS in 2005 as an Exceptional Child Education (ECE) teacher at Iroquois Middle School. In the two decades with the district, I have served in various roles at both the elementary and middle school level including ECE teacher, goal clarity coach, assistant principal at Farnsley Middle School, JCPS and Bellarmine Literacy Project Instructor and Coach, and Explore Pathway Coach. I also had the honor of serving as principal at Maupin Elementary for 3.5 years.
I am a graduate of Central High School. I earned my bachelor’s degree in psychology from UofL, master of arts in teaching (learning and behavior disorders) from Spalding University, and principal certification from Spalding University as well.
I am confident that through a shared leadership approach and partnerships with families there will be a boost in student achievement and equitable outcomes for all students at Shacklette.
Email Mrs. Charita Kimbrough Principal