Arrival and Dismissal Procedures


Arrival: Students may arrive no earlier than 7 a.m. 

Dismissal: Students begin dismissing at 2:10 p.m. and must be picked up by 2:25 p.m.


If you need to change your child(ren)'s transportation and they need to go home a different way than what is on file at Bloom, please submit this Google Form by 1:50 p.m. or send a note explaining the change. Otherwise, All children will be dismissed according to the transportation plan. 

Bus Riders

School buses load and unload on Lucia Avenue in front of Bloom. 

No cars should pull up or stop on Lucia Avenue during arrival and dismissal for student safety. These NO-STOPPING times are 6:35–7:50 a.m. and 1:35–2:50 p.m. It is against the law for cars to stop in the bus zone during these times. If we notice families are breaking this rule, we will send messages asking you to follow our arrival and dismissal plan. Also, Bloom staff will report cars to authorities. During these times, cars parked in the us zone will be ticketed and towed by Louisville Metro Police. Safety is our #1 priority. 

Car Riders

Car riders are dropped off and picked up at the covered back porch. They enter Bloom's back alley door. Staff members greet and welcome students at the covered porch each morning and assist with loading cars safely each afternoon. 

  • ARRIVAL for car riders is open from 7–7:30 a.m. 

  • DISMISSAL for car riders is open from 2:10–2:25 p.m.

The back alley is one-way and runs from Baxter Avenue towards Bardstown Road. It turns left at the end of the alley and exits onto Ellwood Avenue. Car rider families shall approach the alley from northbound Baxter Avenue and turn right into it. 


Morning walkers enter through the front door between 7 and 7:30 a.m. Afternoon walker dismissal meets caregivers/families on the playground between 2:10 and 2:25 p.m. Parents form a line on the ramp, a staff member enters your dismissal tag number, and you'll be asked to wait in an area/zone for your child to exit Bloom.

Caregivers and family members picking up walkers must bring their dismissal tags. Anyone who does not have the official dismissal tag for the current school year must provide a photo ID at the front porch after the dismissal rush, which will be at 2:25 p.m.


Bloom's CEP is an on-site after-school childcare program managed by the YMCA. There is no morning CEP childcare at Bloom, but Bloom staff provides morning childcare starting at 7 a.m. Bloom's CEP option is only for after-school childcare. Contact the YMCA CEP office at (502) 637-1575 for more information.

Early Sign-Out

Students are not to be signed out after 2 p.m. regardless of the situation. Plan ahead and be mindful of the timing of early sign-outs.

Please ensure the office has an accurate transportation method for your child(ren) on file at all times and report any changes as soon as possible.