Back to School

Bloom Elementary

Bloom Family Resource Center (FRC)

JCPS Transportation


99% of your communication regarding your child should be directed to their teacher(s). They are the experts and have the most up-to-date information. Bus drivers are your first point of contact for all bus-related questions, concerns, or clarifications. They can often help families quickly.

School Messenger Updates

We've returned to using School Messenger for our weekly school communications. Occasionally, we send important information via School Messenger. It's essential that all incoming kindergarten and new-to-JCPS families opt in to receive text alerts. While we use text alerts sparingly, they often contain critical school information. To opt in, simply text "Y" to 67587.

Arrival & Dismissal

  • Review Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

  • Arrival Time: Students may arrive no earlier than 7 a.m.

  • Pick-Up Time: Students must be picked up by 2:25 p.m.

  • Transportation Changes: All children will be dismissed according to the transportation plan on file.  If dismissal plans must change for a particular day, please submit the Google Form by 1:50 p.m.

  • Early Dismissal:

    All early dismissals from school must be before 2 p.m. Due to our dismissal process, we cannot sign out students after 2 p.m

Visitors & Volunteers

  • All visitors must use Bloom's front door (Lucia Avenue) to buzz in.

  • All visitors must show their ID.

  • All visitors must sign in at the office.

  • All visitors must wear a visitor's badge.

  • All visitors must have a specific and valid reason for entering Bloom's property. For example, if you're volunteering for lunchroom duty, you can only go directly to the lunchroom and then back to the office to sign out.

  • All visitors must sign out at the office.

Dropping Off Items

  • All items (projects, snacks, etc.) are dropped off at the front door (a table might be provided on busy days).

  • "Fast food" lunches must be in a lunchbox or brown paper bag.

  • See Bloom's Wellness Policy for restrictions on snacks.


  • Background checks are required online (link provided).

  • We especially need volunteers for lunch duty ("School Cafe Cardio"). Sign-up information will be provided.

  • You can volunteer in other areas too, like reading aloud or helping during recess. Schedule with the teacher(s).

  • The PTA also needs volunteers.


Please call the school office each day your student is absent.  Please send a written explanation of the absence on the day your student returns to school.  Absence notes must be received within 3 days of the absence to be considered for excusal. Please inform the school office if you know your child will be absent due to an upcoming event or travel. Some absences may be eligible for approved educational leave.  These must be submitted on the appropriate form and approved by the principal at least two weeks before the absence.

Educational Enhancement Opportunities

Some absences may qualify for educational leave. Submit the form (link provided) to the attendance clerk (contact information provided) at least five days before the requested leave.