Academic Policies

Academic Policies

Grade Level Standards

As of the 2011-12 school year, all middle school students must pass 66 2/3 percent of their classes, including:

  • Language arts

  • Math

  • Science (seventh graders)

  • Social studies (eighth graders)

They must also have a completed writing folder/portfolio. Passing a class consists of receiving no more than two U’s in any one subject. 


Academic grades reflect the student’s abilities and knowledge. The academic grades each student receives for individual classes or assignments are based on the quality of student performance and effort and may include the following: 

  • Portfolio Contents 

  • Participation 

  • Group Work 

  • Projects 

  • Teacher Observation 

  • Quizzes/Tests 

  • Homework 

  • Rubrics 

  • Problem Solving

  • Performance

  • Attendance

  • Class Assignments

  • Discussion

  • Percentage Grades

  • Self-Evaluations

Letter grades represent the following: 

A—90 to 100%, Outstanding Effort 

B—80 to 89%, Above Average 

C—75 to 79%, Average 

D—70 to 74%, Below Average 

U—Below 70%, Unsatisfactory 

The academic year is divided into 4 nine-week grading periods.