
Tacia Keeton

Rhea Butler

Leslie Walker

Adrienne Scruse
Mental Health Practitioner

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you provide contact information for resources so I can access services for my child?

What support services are available at Kammerer Middle School?

  • Youth Services Center (YSC) 

  • Extended School Services (ESS) 

  • Mentoring 

  • Clothes Closet 

  • Exceptional Child Education (ECE) Services 

  • Staff Support Team (SST) 

  • Teacher Assistance Teams (TAT) 

  • Reading Recovery 

  • Seven Counties—School-Based 

  • English as a Second Language (ESL) Services 

  • After-School Tutoring 

  • Ramp-up Reading 

  • Home-School Coordinator  

  • Career Planner

  • JCPSeSchool/Correspondence/Summer School 

  • Tutoring 

  • STP Math 

  • Algebra Lab 

  • Counseling Provided by Community Organization 

  • ESL Volunteers 

  • Study Skills Class 

  • Guest Speakers 

  • Advance Program Courses 

  • Foundations/CHAMPS 

  • Advisor/Advisee 

  • Book Club  

What specific services are available through my child's counselor?

  • Peer Mediation 

  • Classroom Guidance 

  • Individual Counseling 

  • Group Counseling 

  • Test Result Interpretation 

  • Character Education 

  • Transition Services 

  • Conflict Resolution 

  • Referrals to Outside Agencies 

  • Drug Prevention Program 

  • Advance Program Testing

  • Parent Night

  • Counselor Newsletter 

  • Course Planning and Scheduling 

  • IGP 

  • Parent/Student/Teacher Liaison 

  • Anger Management Counseling 

  • Academic Counseling 

  • Testing Information