Kammerer Device Agreement and Policies

Policy Statement:

Computers and mobile device use is a vital part of Jefferson County Public School’s instructional plan, particularly in presenting personalized learning opportunities for all students. In preparing JCPS students to live and work in the 21st Century, and to provide our students the necessary tools to better their future, Jefferson County Public Schools will be issuing a computing device for instructional and educational use to every student in our district.

With the JCPS Everyone:1 program, each student will use the device assigned to them to gain knowledge, develop skills, and extend his or her current capabilities. Devices will be used on a daily basis to support and guide learning while presenting the opportunity for both school and home-based use.

By signing this agreement and accepting a computer, you are confirming that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions for JCPS Everyone:1 Device Usage Agreement, which is attached to this page and can be found online. In accordance with this Agreement, the following guidelines are required to protect JCPS students, the instructional devices, and our district network. Failure to comply with the guidelines may result in disciplinary action and/or legal action.

Students and Parents/Guardians will use their devices for academic purposes only. While using their devices, students must abide by the JCPS Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook, JCPSNet Student Acceptable Use Policy, and applicable state and federal laws.

All electronic communication, activities, and files accessed on district technology or networks may be viewed, monitored or archived by the District at any time. Devices are subject to inspection by JCPS personnel at any time, and parents and students agree to make the device available to JCPS staff for inspection upon request.

In acceptance of an instructional device, students and their parent/guardian also agree to:

1. The student is responsible at all times for the care and appropriate use of the issued device and must adhere to these terms each time the device is used. This includes ensuring the device is secure and safe. The student agrees to handle the device carefully and protect it from potential sources of damage.

2. Students will not deface the device or adhere stickers or other markings that cannot be completely removed by the student when returning the device.

3. Students will not bypass or otherwise alter device settings or configurations or tamper with hardware or software, attempt unauthorized entry into and/or vandalize or destroy the device.

4. Students will not attempt to locate, view, share, or store any materials that are unacceptable in the school setting. This includes, but is not limited to, pornographic, obscene, graphically violent, racist, or vulgar images, sounds, music, language, video or other material that violates JCPS policies, procedures, guidelines or student codes of conduct.

4a. The parent/guardian is responsible to monitor and manage the student’s access and restrict access to all controversial or inappropriate materials. When students are using JCPS devices off school grounds, JCPS will not be responsible for monitoring student use or filtering content.

5. The student must report theft (or suspected theft), loss, damage, or malfunctioning of the device to school personnel immediately

6. Upon request, the student agrees to deliver the issued device to JCPS staff for technical inspection or to verify inventory or other information. Students will make available at any time for inspection by any school administrator or teacher any messages, communication, or files sent or received on all JCPS issued devices.

7. Students will fully charge their devices in order to attend scheduled classes, meetings and coursework.

8. The device is the property of Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS). All such issued devices shall be returned to JCPS upon request and prior to the student’s withdrawal or transfer from the district, if earlier than the conclusion of the school year. Failure to return the device will result in appropriate disciplinary action and restitution as determined by the JCPS leadership and Board of Education.

9. The student and parent/guardian acknowledge that inclusion in the JCPS Everyone:1 program may be revoked for students who fail to act in accordance with the guidelines stated in the school policy.

Jefferson County Public Schools does not require the payment of Technology Fees; however, specific school-based fees may be assessed in accordance with Site-Based Decision Making Council decisions.

Jefferson County Public Schools reserves the right to assess fees in the event of device damage, loss, theft. The parent/guardian and student will assume the risk of loss by theft, destruction, vandalism, or damage. Devices reported as stolen outside of school require that parents notify police and provide a copy of an official police report to the school administration.

Kammerer Middle assesses Everyone:1 Chromebook replacement obligations due to lost or irreparable devices that need to be fully replaced as follows:

Chromebooks that have been lost or sustained irreparable damage are not covered under any warranty. There is a system to replace a lost or fully damaged device that will be assessed to parents/guardians/students. 

  • Maximum Cost for Chromebook Replacement as set by JCPS IT Department (prorated based on current value of device).

  • Maximum Cost for Device Repair as set by JCPS IT Department.

Kammerer Middle School assesses Everyone:1 Chromebook repair obligations due to fixable Chromebook damages such as but not limited to: a broken screen, a broken camera, a broken keyboard, missing keys, a broken headphone jack, or liquid spills if covered under warranty.

  • The Chromebook Repair Warranty will require an amount specified by JCPS IT Department for a device that needs to be repaired.

As such, students and parents/guardians understand and accept that students will demonstrate responsible use and care for their assigned instructional device. While JCPS desires every student to fully participate in this Everyone:1 program, using a device is a privilege and is based on acceptable use and care of the device itself.

I agree to abide by the conditions listed above and the Terms and Conditions of the JCPS Everyone:1 Plan, and I assume responsibility for the care and proper use of a JCPS device. I understand if I fail to honor all the terms of this agreement, access to JCPS devices, the Internet, and other electronic media may be discontinued immediately and may be denied for future use. Student misuse will be subject to disciplinary action outlined in the JCPS Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook.