Youth Services Center

Kammerer Cubs Youth Services Center

The Kammerer Cubs Youth Services Center (YSC) serves the students and families of Kammerer Middle School. The YSC is continually shaping the program to meet the needs of students and their families. The coordinator of the YSC ensures that the services and programs offered to meet the needs of a wide spectrum of families of varying incomes, social and ethnic backgrounds, and life experiences. The services that the YSC provides are especially beneficial to those students who are at risk of not succeeding in school; however, any Kammerer student or family is eligible to receive services.

Coordinator: TBD
Phone: (502) 485-8279

Center Hours

Monday—Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Evening hours by appointment

About Family Resource and Youth Services Centers 

Family Resource and Youth Services Centers (FRYSCs) were established by the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) in 1990. The primary goal of the YSC is to remove barriers to student learning.

Core Components

  • Referrals to health and social services 

  • Career exploration and development 

  • Substance abuse education and counseling 

  • Family-crisis and mental-health counseling 


  • Improve attendance 

  • Increase academic support 

  • Improve physical and mental health 

  • Decrease behavior and suspension issues 

  • Enhance parent relations through support and services 

  • Provide a nurturing learning environment that empowers youth to become successful students and productive adults

YSC programs and services are available to all Kammerer Middle School students and their families.

Important Phone Numbers

Health Services 

Seven Counties Crisis and Information Center

Family and Children's Agency of Metro Louisville (Web site)

Family Health Center

Louisville/Jefferson County Health Department

Poison Control Center

Al-Anon/Alateen Support Group

JCPS/Regional Assessment Center

Jefferson Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center (JADAC)

Families Anonymous

Jefferson County Human Services Information and Referral

Department for Social Insurance Food Stamps/AFDC/Medical Assistance

YMCA Shelter House for Runaways (Web site)

YWCA/Rape Relief Center (Web site)

YWCA Spouse Abuse Center (Web site)

Community Coordinated Child Care (4C)

Home of the Innocents (Web site)

You can help!

A positive commitment to helping your child succeed is often done through volunteering and is encouraged by the faculties and staff at Kammerer Middle School and Ballard High School. Volunteers are always needed in the following areas: 

  • Become an Every 1 Reads volunteer, and assist a student in improving his or her reading skills.

  • Tutor students in various subjects.

  • Accompany students on educational field trips.

  • Serve as a YSC Advisory Committee representative.

  • Volunteer with the 15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Clothing Assistance Program (CAP) to assist families in need of clothing.