Library Resources


Accelerated Reader (AR) is a supplemental reading program to bolster the skills of students and engage them in authentic children's literature. It is based on the premise that practice improves reading and uses computer software to assess and track the progress of pupils. There are particular books in the library and classroom that are designated as AR books. Each book is assigned a point value based on the length of the book and the degree of difficulty. Students are guided in their book selection by Mrs. Ryan, our librarian, and the classroom teacher.

There are three types of reading involved in the program. Young, emergent readers may be involved in Read To, in which a book is read aloud to them. These readers may also be in Read With in which they read one-on-one with an experienced reader. Finally, students who can read on their own Read Independently. However, students at all levels can and will engage in all of the types of reading.

The classroom teacher will work with the students to establish a reading goal each six-week report period. The goal will reflect each student's level and need, and hopefully, he or she will achieve his or her goal every six weeks. The goals may be adjusted each period.

Once a student has completed a book, he or she takes a quiz of 5 to 20 questions. Points are earned based on the score on the quiz and the book's point value. The more difficult the book and the better the quiz score, the higher the number of points a student can earn. These points then accumulate toward the goal of the student and are a way of tracking quantity, quality, and difficulty level.

Student Goals

Each student will have an AR Point Goal determined by the classroom teacher for each grading period. The goal will depend on the student's reading ability and the expectation he or she can reach the goal by the end of the grading period. We will recognize students as they achieve their goals for each level.


It is important to recognize students for their reading achievements. 

  • As students reach each level of their goal, they will be recognized on WLOW Morning's News.

Students will be recognized on WLOW morning news for reaching the Century Club, which denotes earning a total of 100 or more points for the year.


Students can now view their daily progress in AR at any time simply by accessing Home Connect from any computer with Internet access. Students can also find new books to read. However, they cannot take a quiz at home.

Parents/Guardians can share the joy of learning with their children by seeing how they're dong or by helping them find new books. They can also:

  • View goals, results of the last quiz taken, and overall progress.

  • Find books that have AR quizzes.

  • View My Bookshelf, which shows the books on which quizzes have been taken.

    • See progress toward reading goals.

    • Conduct book searches.

    • Review quiz results.

    • View number of books read, words read, and quizzes passed.

Need to check your progress on AR? Visit Home Connect.

Need to know if your book has an AR quiz or looking for a book suggestion? Check out ARBook Find. AR books may also be found using an app on your smartphone titled Points Scan.