
Helpful Student Reminders

Students should be in their classrooms ready to learn at 7:40am. 

 Morning Arrival 

7:10 - 7:30 -  Kindergarten, 1st  & 2nd graders go to the KIVA to wait until the bell rings; third, fourth, & fifth graders go to the gym

7:30 - All Students dismissed to classrooms

7:40 - All students in their classroom - READY TO LEARN!! 

ALL students can receieve a free breakfast and free lunch this school year (students must know their assigned lunch number).

Student Policies 

School Meals

  • Meal Menus — Breakfast | Lunch

  • About School Nutrition

  • Nutritious Snack Ideas

Morning and Afternoon Carpool

All cars enter at the 1st entrance to Lowe off Nottingham Parkway.

  • Please do not turn LEFT at the 3 way stop on Nottingham and Oxfordshire Lane.

    • Please continue straight and get in the carpool dropoff/pickup line.

  • All cars exit to the RIGHT when leaving morning or afternoon carpool.

  • Students are not permitted to walk to cars parked on the street unless special arrangements have been made.

  • Any student arriving at 7:40am or later must be escorted into the school building and signed in at the Front Office.