About Us
About Shelby
At Shelby, we believe that each and every student deserves access to rigorous, standards based, engaging, standards based, learning experiences that are multicultural and personalized. We are a No Place for Hate School, a Project Lead the Way School, and in the process of building our Arts Integration and STEAM programs. We believe strongly in arts integration and we collaborate with the local arts community to increase student engagement and to link both academic standards and the arts standards to students' experiences and cultures! We are excited about our bright future!! Shelby Sharks only swim forward so away we go!!!!
History of Shelby Academy
Isaac Shelby Elementary School's history dates back to before 1850, when new German immigrants constructed a one-room schoolhouse on Mary Street. The Louisville Board of Education purchased the school in 1868. Then, a three-story building was erected at the same site in 1891. Additions were constructed in 1968. March 8, 1998, was declared Isaac Shelby Elementary School Day by former Mayor Jerry Abramson. In January 2004, Isaac Shelby Elementary moved into a new home on Ziegler Street near the old Mary Street location.