Disclaimer: Please use the sites, links, and information provided throughout this webpage as a resource. The information provided in this site should not be used to replace the expertise of medical or counseling professionals.

JCPS Guidance and Counseling Resources
The counseling department at Fairdale High School are willing and able to provide individual counseling to any student. If you would like to request a meeting with your counselor to talk about whatever you are experiencing, please click on the link above and your counselor will respond to you within 24 hours. If it is an emergency, please call the school at 502-485-8248.
Fairdale High School has a Mental Health Practitioner that is available for students. Her name is Angela Rosselli, and she is able to provide individual counseling to students that have that need. Please speak to your school counselor first, and they will guide you from there.
If you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger and you are unable to reach a counselor, please call 911 and express your emergency.