English as a Second Language-Curricular
Common Core & Ells Curriculum Links
Contact Us
Dr. Jill Handley
Assistant Superintendent of Office of Multilingual Learners
Manjit Nagra
Secretary (502) 485-7167
Curricular Approach
Teaching by Proficiency Level
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) is a member of the WIDA Consortium. The JCPS English as a Second Language (ESL) Department's curricular approach is guided by:
WIDA English Language Development Standards, which are aligned to Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS).
WIDA's Can Do Philosophy: Believing in the assets, contributions, and potential of linguistically diverse students.
WIDA's Can Do Descriptors, listed below, provide educators with guidance on what English language learners can do for their given level of English language proficiency, with support.