Gifted & Talented/Advance Program

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JCPS offers Gifted education services for identified students in grades four through twelve. Students in grades four through twelve are formally identified for services in one or more of the following areas:  

  • General Intellectual Ability 

  • Specific Academic Aptitude 

  • Creative or Divergent Thinking 

  • Psychosocial or Leadership Skills 

  • Visual or Performing Arts 

Twice a year, all Gifted students receive a Gifted Progress Report, which includes information on progress toward meeting a range of academic goals. Once a year, all Gifted students receive a Gifted Students Services Plan.

Primary students (kindergarten through grade three) are screened and selected as high-potential learners for the Primary Talent Pool.  

JCPS District Gifted Policy

Get state regulations on programs for gifted and talented students.

Advance Program

The Advance Program provides challenging schoolwork for academically high-achieving students. To join the program, students must meet certain academic criteria. The Advance Program is available at all JCPS schools, with the exception of Traditional Schools.