The Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook is intended to be instructive, not punitive, and is aimed at resolving conflict, meeting students’ needs, keeping students in school, and addressing the causes of inappropriate behavior.
The Student Progression and Promotion Handbook for each level provides policies and procedures for how learners progress through each level and are promoted.
The purpose of the Assessing Learning and Grading Framework for each level (elementary school, middle school, and high school) is to provide policies and procedures for how learning will be assessed, captured, and communicated.
This is a free e-transcript service. Students can have their transcripts sent virtually to almost any college/university free of charge. This service can be used until July 31st of their graduation year. To sign, please see your high school counselor for a log-in code.
View your KEES award amounts and learn more about Dual Credit and Work Ready Scholarships.