Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream.
It is considered a central nervous system depressant.
It has a detrimental effect on the teen brain.
It can be mixed with other drugs to intensify the results.
It is a major contributor to motor vehicle accidents.
It can affect the body of a minor differently than an adult.
According to Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD):
Almost 80 percent of high school students try alcohol.
Alcohol-related car crashes are the number one cause of death for young people ages 16 to 24.
Alcohol is a factor in approximately 30 percent of all suicides.
It’s involved in approximately 40 percent of all crimes.
It can affect almost every organ in the body.
Effects on Youth
Chronic diseases, such as liver cirrhosis (damage to liver cells); pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas); various cancers of the liver, mouth, and throat; and high blood pressure
Rapid absorption from the stomach and small intestines into the bloodstream
Unintentional injuries, such as motor vehicle accidents, drowning, and falls
Alcohol abuse or dependence
Violence, such as homicides and suicides
Brain impairment, such as blackouts, memory lapses, poor judgment, loss of coordination, slow reflexes
Increased risk for underage sexual activity
Drinking Statistics
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a national organization committed to stopping drunk driving, supporting the victims of this violent crime, and preventing underage drinking. According to MADD:
The average age of first alcohol use has generally decreased since 1965.
In 2008, 64.1 percent of eighth graders reported that alcohol is "very easy" or "fairly easy" to get. Eighty-one percent of tenth graders reported alcohol is "very easy" or "fairly easy" to get. Ninety-two percent of twelfth graders reported that alcohol is "very easy" or "fairly easy" to get.
On average, someone is killed by a drunk driver every 45 minutes.
Fifty to 75 percent of drunk drivers whose licenses are suspended continue to drive.
A first-time drunk driving offender has driven drunk an average of 87 times prior to being arrested.
Warning Signs
Lack of concentration
Changes in weight
Slurred speech
Bloodshot eyes
Increased sleep and/or sleep problems
Mood swings, withdrawal, or depression
Problems at school
Spend quality time with your child, and talk directly about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs.
Set rules, and maintain realistic expectations and consequences.
Monitor your child’s behavior while providing structure and guidance.
Try not to lecture. Listen to what your child says.
Teach your child how to say no. Be a role model by demonstrating moderation.
Recognize the fact that parents have the power to keep their child substance-free.