Appeal Process
Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook
School Suspension | Send/Take written appeal to: Administrator Who Suspended Student | Principal | Assistant Superintendent of Suspending School |
Referral | Send/Take written appeal to: Specialist, Student Relations | Assistant Director, Student Relations | Climate and Culture Assistant Superintendent | Superintendent |
To an Alternative Placement |
A student who has been assigned to a behavior support alternative school must complete the requirements of that program before they can return to another Jefferson County public school, unless their return is approved by the assistant superintendent of Climate and Culture. Any student who assaults a staff member or brings a gun to school may or may not be allowed to return to their previously assigned school.
JCPS is committed to providing all students with a fair and equitable application of behavior support systems. For information regarding discipline procedures for students with disabilities, including students in the referral process, please refer to 707 KAR 1: 340. Section 13. Discipline. ([Page 37] For information regarding students with disabilities under Section 504, please refer to the JCPS Section 504 webpage (
The ARC may consider any circumstances on a case-by-case basis when determining whether to order a change in placement for a child with a disability who violates a code of student conduct.
Behavior Where Alternative Placement Is Considered
If a student is charged with or convicted of a felony offense (or an offense that would be considered a felony if the student were an adult) committed off the school campus and while not engaged in a school-sponsored activity, Student Relations may assign the student to a behavior support alternative school. Students enrolling in JCPS from out of the district may be referred to Student Relations due to behavior issues at a prior school, criminal charges, or previous enrollment in a camp/behavior support alternative school.
Criminal Violations
When a student violates a law, school administrators may notify the appropriate law enforcement official. Students convicted or charged with gun- or school-related criminal violations in the community may be subject to alternative placement. Prosecution and adjudication of criminal violations shall occur separately from the administration of school procedures. Release of student records to local law enforcement for law enforcement or prosecution purposes is subject to the disclosure requirements of FERPA and the Kentucky Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (KFERPA).
Appeal of Suspension of Educational Services
If the district refers a student for the suspension of educational services, that student has the right to appeal that decision to the Board of Education. The Board of Education will hold a hearing at which the charge will be read to the student, the student will be allowed to present evidence, a representative from the district will be allowed to respond, and the student may be represented by counsel.
Appeal Procedure for Referral to an Alternative Placement
The following procedures are required when a parent/guardian/student appeals the referral to an alternative placement but does not appeal the suspension. A student may not be allowed to attend school during the appeal process if the principal believes that the student is a danger to themselves or to others.
Write a letter explaining your reasons for appealing the decision to the specialist, Student Relations (Jefferson County Public Schools, Lam Building, 4309 Bishop Lane, Louisville, KY 40218). The letter must be mailed, emailed, or delivered within five school days of the decision.
If your appeal is denied by the specialist of Student Relations, you may appeal to the assistant director of Student Relations (Jefferson County Public Schools, Lam Building, 4309 Bishop Lane, Louisville, KY 40218). The appeal must be made in writing, and the letter must be mailed, emailed, or delivered within five school days of the day you receive your answer from the assistant director of Student Relations.
If your appeal is denied by the assistant director of Student Relations, you may appeal to the assistant superintendent of Climate and Culture (Jefferson County Public Schools, VanHoose Education Center, 3332 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY 40218). The appeal must be made in writing, and the letter must be mailed, emailed, or delivered within five school days of the day you receive your answer from the director of Student Relations.
If your appeal is denied by the assistant superintendent for Climate and Culture, you may appeal to the superintendent (Jefferson County Public Schools, VanHoose Education Center, 3332 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY 40218). The appeal must be made in writing, and the letter must be mailed, emailed, or delivered within five school days of the day you receive your answer from the assistant superintendent for Climate and Culture. This is the last step in the appeal process. Refer to the chart on page 37.