Appendix C

Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook

JCPS Student Acceptable Use Policy

The JCBE supports reasonable access to various information formats for students, employees, and the community and believes it is incumbent upon users to utilize this privilege in an appropriate and responsible manner as required by this policy and related procedures, which apply to all parties who use district technology. This access is offered through the JCPS networks.

Communication, data, and files transferred through the JCPS networks are not private. They may be reviewed by specific district personnel, or by someone appointed by them (e.g., independent contractors, law enforcement), to ensure that all JCBE policies, administrative procedures, and state and federal laws are followed. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook.

Student Safety Procedures and Guidelines

The superintendent/designee shall develop and implement appropriate administrative procedures to provide guidance for access to electronic media. Procedures shall address teacher supervision of student computer use, ethical use of electronic media (including, but not limited to, the internet, email, and other district technological resources), and issues of privacy versus administrative review of electronic files and communications.

Students shall be provided instruction about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and in digital messaging, and cyberbullying awareness and response.

Internet safety measures, which shall apply to all district-owned devices with internet access or personal devices that are permitted to access the district’s networks, shall be implemented that effectively address the following:

  • Controlling access by minors to inappropriate matter on the internet;

  • Safety and security of minors when they are using electronic mail, digital messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications;

  • Preventing unauthorized access, including “hacking” and other unlawful activities by minors online;

  • Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors; and

  • Restricting minors’ access to material harmful to them.

Student Use

  • Specific expectations for appropriate internet use shall be reflected in the Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook, including appropriate orientation for students.

  • A technology protection measure may be disabled by the JCBE designee during use by an adult to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purpose.

  • Students are responsible for appropriate behavior when using the JCPS networks and other district resources, just as they are in classrooms and school hallways. Therefore, general school rules for expectations and district behavior guidelines apply. Access to network services is provided, and students are expected to act responsibly. Based on the acceptable use guidelines outlined in this policy, the system administrators will deem what is inappropriate use, and their decisions are final.

  • The administration and staff may revoke or suspend user access when these terms are violated.

A student shall:

  • Follow school and district behavior expectations to be a respectful and responsible digital citizen.

  • Use online/network resources (including email) as instructed and for educational purposes.

  • Store and share only appropriate material.

  • Use school and/or personal technology only at approved times for appropriate purposes.

A student shall NOT:

  • Access, send, or willfully receive any content that is inappropriate, offensive, harassing, or profane in nature or that promotes violence or illegal activity, except in support of a legitimate educational purpose, which is permitted with teacher approval and oversight.

  • Willfully waste resources or use them for non-academic purposes (e.g., file storage, printing, bandwidth)

  • Use or share the student’s or another person’s username or password with others.

  • Compromise the JCPS networks and their settings in any way (e.g., hacking, spamming, bypassing security)

  • Use the JCPS networks for personal gain, entertainment, political promotion, or activities unrelated to school, except for incidental personal use, which is permitted.

  • Violate copyright laws or commit plagiarism, including the copying of software, music, or other copyright protected files.

  • Intentionally damage or steal district or personal technology-related property.

  • Engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or disrespectful conduct toward others.

Student Independent Resource Opt-Out

  • Computer and mobile device use is a vital part of the District’s instructional plan, particularly in presenting personalized learning opportunities for all students.

  • With the JCPS Everyone:1 program, each student will use the device assigned to them to gain knowledge, develop skills, and extend the student’s current capabilities. A student’s device will be used daily to support and guide learning within the District’s instructional plan, which encompasses both school use and use beyond the school day or outside of the school setting, including, but not limited to, use in the provision of Extended School Services (ESS); and use on Non-Traditional Instructional (NTI) days.

    These resources are for academic purposes only. While using these resources, a student must abide by the JCPS Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook, the JCPS Student Acceptable Use Policy, and applicable state and federal laws.

  • For a student to opt out of use of district technology resources outside of the district’s instructional plan, including non-NTI home-based use, a parent/guardian must provide written notice to the school principal. The student will still use district-provided technology resources in the classroom, for ESS services, and on NTI days, as part of the District’s instructional plan.