Black Male Achievement Community Resources & Partners

AMPED is a free music program that uses music as a catalyst to empower youth to work as a team, learn how to express themselves effectively, and develop into healthy, productive members of our community and the world.

Boys & Girls Club of Kentuckiana
Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana (BGCK) is an out-of-school time provider, offering a safe haven for youth who need us. We open our doors and our arms to kids ages 6 to 18, in a safe, positive environment.

Campaign for Black Male Achievement
The campaign for Black Male Achievement (CBMA) is a national membership network that seeks to ensure the growth, sustainability, and impact of leaders and organizations committed to improving the life outcomes of Black men and boys.

J.E.B. Enrichment Center
FOCUS Training Academy is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that was founded by Tim Barnett. Our mission is to provide positive role models and aid in the character development of youth.

Louisville Urban League—Street Academy
Street Academy is the Louisville Urban League's educational enhancement program emphasizing reading and cultural identity development for fourth- and fifth-grade male students. Currently housed at four specific JCPS schools, Street Academy also allows students to engage with martial arts and chess professionals to increase discipline and resiliency skills.

Metro United Way—Black Male Achievement
Metro United Way convened local organizations to answer the guiding question: "What must we do together that we cannot do alone?" The group created the desired result of: All Black men and boys in Louisville thrive, have access to opportunities and are valued as contributing citizens and people.