Bullying Prevention and Support

Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook

All JCPS students deserve a bullying-free, safe, and thriving environment in which to learn and grow. We are committed to ensuring that staff and students have the resources they need to prevent, report, and/or respond to any concerns of bullying or cyberbullying.

Pursuant to KRS 158.148, bullying is defined as:

(1) (a) As used in this section, “bullying” means any unwanted verbal, physical, or social behavior among students that involves a real or perceived power imbalance and is repeated or has the potential to be repeated:

  1. That occurs on school premises, on school-sponsored transportation, or at a school-sponsored event; or

  2. That disrupts the education process.
    (b) This definition shall not be interpreted to prohibit civil exchange of opinions or debate or cultural practices protected under the state or federal Constitution where the opinion expressed does not otherwise materially or substantially disrupt the education process.

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Bullying includes the use of racial slurs and hate speech.

Bullying Reporting Procedures

JCPS takes all bullying and cyberbullying allegations very seriously. As a result, we have numerous ways that students and parents/guardians can report potential bullying incidents. Concerned parents/guardians, peers, or staff have the following reporting options:

  1. Report incidents to their school administrator.

  2. Access our online reporting system. Visit the JCPS website at www.jefferson.kyschools.us, and click on Incident Reporting Platform (at the top of the page). When reporting an incident, individuals may identify themselves or remain anonymous, according to their preference. Upon receiving a tip line report, both district and school administrators are made aware of the report so that the school can begin the investigative process.

  3. Call 1-888-393-6780 to access the JCPS Hotline.

All bullying and cyberbullying incidents, whether reported via the tip line or through a school administrator, are investigated, resolved, and documented at the school level in alignment with district protocol. In addition, schools are required to report ongoing bullying issues to the district using the reporting procedures and guidelines outlined above.

Procedures for When School Is Not in Session

Concerns and reports of bullying/harassment that are non-school-related and/or occur outside of school hours, off school property, and not during the school calendar year can still be reported to the JCPS Bullying Tip Line. Though the event(s) will be reviewed by school administration, it will not be documented in Infinite Campus for punitive consequence. The information will be documented in the CallsPlus Hotline Dashboard.

A school administrator or designee will contact the student(s) involved and parent(s) to discuss the nature and seriousness of the complaint, provide resources to help the students involved, and identify steps for progressing forward after the event. Contact with the parent should be documented in the PLP tab of Infinite Campus. The Compliance Hotline Action Form will still be returned to the appropriate assistant superintendent’s office within the allocated time and documented in the CallsPlus Hotline Dashboard.

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) is a comprehensive, schoolwide program that involves the entire school community in the form of schoolwide interventions, classroom activities, and individual interventions. To reduce bullying, it is important to change the climate of the school and the social norms with regard to bullying. It must become normative for staff and students to notice and respond when a child is bullied or left out. The Olweus Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee (BPCC) is a representative group from the school. Our goal is to train all BPCCs for implementation at all schools. The BPCC undergoes a comprehensive, highly organized two-day training by a certified Olweus trainer-consultant. This team then meets at least once monthly to plan bullying-prevention activities; train and motivate staff, students, and parents; and ensure that efforts are focused and ongoing.

School-Based Decision Making School Bullying Policy

All JCPS schools are required to have a Bullying Prevention Policy to include cyberbullying, established through the School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council. The policy is reviewed annually to communicate/remind stakeholders of expectations, processes, and procedures; determine if there are any adjustments to be made; and ensure that there are safe and user-friendly ways for stakeholders to report concerns at the school level. In addition, schools will ensure that stakeholders are aware of the district’s online resources regarding bullying reporting and support resources.

JCPS Bullying Prevention Website


The website includes the following resources: