The principal makes a request to the appropriate zone assistant superintendent, who will review relevant information and provide final approval for bus suspension length.
Bus Safety
Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook
School bus behavior expectations are established to ensure that all students have a safe ride to and from school each day. Positive and proactive strategies will be implemented to foster appropriate behavior and productive relationships. The school bus is an extension of the classroom, and appropriate behavior is expected at all times. Students are expected to follow the same behavioral standards while riding the school bus as is expected on school property or at school functions, activities, and events. All school rules are in effect while a student is riding the bus or waiting at a designated bus stop.
Violations that occur involving the school bus and/or incidents that occur while students are on the way to school (bus stop/ neighborhood) or returning from school (bus stop/neighborhood) may result in a consequence. This means that the school administrator can address a student’s inappropriate behavior on a school bus, which may include suspension of bus privileges, in-school consequences, suspension from school, and/or referral/placement in an alternative school. JCPS buses are equipped with digital video cameras. Video recordings may be used to document incidents and responsibility for inappropriate behavior on the school bus.
Per KRS 158.110 - When a bus driver alleges a student has committed a behavior violation that places the student or others at a risk of physical harm, a student may be refused transportation as investigations and safety plans are established. Parents or guardians who commit behavior that places their student or other students at risk of physical harm or otherwise make it unsafe for the driver to continue transporting students may be criminally charged. Parent and Guardian misconduct may also be a consideration for future transportation privileges for the student.
Safety-related bus incidents may warrant extended bus suspensions. In instances of terroristic threatening, student/staff assault, or weapons possession or use on a bus, a principal may request permission to remove a student from the bus beyond five days per incident. The request should follow the completion of a threat assessment and include a recommended length of bus suspension.
Requests for 6- to 10-Day Bus Suspensions
Requests for 11- to 20-Day Bus Suspensions
The principal makes a request to the appropriate zone assistant superintendent who will consult with the executive administrator of Transportation, the assistant superintendent of Culture and Climate, and chief counsel/designee. This committee will collectively approve the request. Appeals for extended bus suspensions of 11 to 20 days must be made in writing to chief counsel/designee within five days of communication to the parent/guardian. In extreme circumstances, the committee may approve additional bus suspensions beyond 20 days.
Safety Expectations for Bus Riders
B | Be Responsible | |
• Be on your best behavior. | • Do not mar or deface the bus. Seat covers must not be damaged in any manner. Anyone caught damaging the equipment will be subject to consequences and/or to making restitution. | |
U | Use Respect | |
• The driver has the authority to assign seats. | • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. | |
S | Stay Safe | |
• Be seated immediately, and remain seated while the bus is in motion. If a seat is not available, hold onto the back of a seat. | • Books and backpacks should remain in your lap and not be placed in the aisleway. Instruments and large objects will be allowed on the bus only if they can be held on the lap. |