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Alicia Miracle
(502) 485-3487

KETS Computers

Since August 1, 2023, regarding the "Ship To" location for ALL computing devices (anything that runs a Chrome, Windows, MacOS, iOS or Android OS)

In hopes of centralizing the receiving and onboarding of devices, all ordering locations enter IT3 in the "Ship To" field on requisitions entered for the purchase of computer devices.  In the "Reference" field, enter Cost Center Number - Location Name/Contact Name. Note: This is the same Munis step we have been using for iPads for the past few years. 

In addition, do not order any accessories (e.g., monitors, docking stations, etc.) on the same req as the device since IT3 only services and receives the devices. See the IT3 link for more detailed information on this change.

As JCPS moves toward a future state of Everyone:1 for technology, staying in alignment with Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) recommendations and supporting all aspects of student agency is our goal for purchasing instructional technologies. In that spirit, the Builds & Brands found below are fully recommended and supported. Note: Desktops are not part of the vision for JCPS technology moving forward. If after viewing the approved items below you have questions or concerns, please contact JCPS IT at

If there is a device you wish to purchase, and you feel strongly about advocating for the device, please submit a waiver for your purchase to be reviewed for consideration.

iPad Information (11th gen. & 5th gen. Air only)

For Apple iPads, there are two requisitions (information below on entering those requisitions). Note: JCPS IT is now using JAMF as the mobile device management (MDM) licensing for iPads. This license allows each iPad to be managed remotely (just as Google Management works with Chromebooks). In addition to the cost of the iPad and AGI warranty/services, this additional expense will need to be taken into consideration when budgeting for iPads. This cost will be handled as an internal budget transfer process after the fact of ordering iPads and warranties. The cost is $36 per iPad for six years (which is the average iPad life cycle). Within 60 days of the receipt of the device, an IT3 team member will reach out to the ordering location's requisitioner for the appropriate account code to be charged (will be the same code used to purchase iPads and warranties as directed below).

  • Req# 1 to Apple—Vendor# 56184 (Do not order Apple accessories on the same req as iPads. This causes problems with shipping due to using a third-party service vendor.) Change "Ship To" location to code IT3 with ordering location information in the "Reference" field (i.e., #Cost Center Number—Location Name/Contact Name). Apple will ship devices to AGI, where they will set up the device and install a case. AGI will then ship the devices to JCPS IT3, where they will be delivered to your location by the JCPS Customer Care Team following asset tagging.

  • Req# 2 to AGI (See ordering information below.)      

AGI warranty/service (two line items per requisition and cost will be determined by the iPad model being purchased as specified below):
Line Item #1:

  • Vendor Name: AGI Repair Inc

  • Vendor No: 43102

  • Price: $69 per device for 11th gen 11" OR $99 per device for 11" iPad Air

  • Commodity Code: 4600650-2014349

  • Add'l. Desc. Note: 3 YEAR AGI PROTECT PLAN W/ CASE

  • Object Code: 0734 (same as device)​

  • KETS Code: (same as device)

Line Item #2:

  • Vendor Name: AGI Repair Inc

  • Vendor No: 43102

  • Price: $20 per device for all iPad models

  • Commodity Code: 4600650-2014350

  • Add'l. Desc. Note: WHITE GLOVE & DATA CAPTURE

  • Object Code: 0734 (same as device)

  • KETS Code: (same as device)

Add a General Note on the device and AGI requisitions referencing the corresponding req number. There is no need to print on the PO.

When making technology purchases, you should follow these guidelines:

  • Student Workstations—A student workstation is any instructional device a student uses for learning (including Chromebooks, Windows laptops, and iPads/Tablets).

  • Assistive and Adaptive Technology—Hardware that permits an instructional device to be used by a special needs teacher/student/staff, while not restricting others, along with associated maintenance costs

  • Classroom Instructional Technology—Projectors, interactive panels, document cameras—any technology hardware (that is not a “workstation") along with associated maintenance costs