Diversity, Equity, & Poverty Professional Development Sessions

To register for Professional-Development (PD) sessions, search Vector-TeachPoint using the session titles below. This webpage is updated throughout the school year as new trainings become available. 

Setting the Brain on F.I.R.E (Fearless, Innovation, Reimagined Education)

DuBois Academy (3307 E. Indian Trail)
Two PD credit hours and two EILA credit hours
Facilitators: Ian Brandon and Dr. Lisa Herring
Contact: Ian Brandon

Description: This session will expose participants to topics that will focus on education, innovation, equity, and reimagined classrooms. With the experience they will learn several key outcomes: Understanding of Innovative Educational Practices, Promotion of Equity in Education, Inspiration for Classroom Reimagination, Networking and Collaboration Opportunities, and Actionable Insights for Implementation. This will impact student learning because by understanding innovation and equity this can improve the culture climate for students (sense of belonging). A positive school climate/culture is related to higher student engagement and higher academic achieving.

Reframing the Future - Navigating Emerging Trends in an Age of AI

April 9 and 10, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Choose one date to attend.)
VanHoose Education Center - Stewart Auditorium
Two PD credit hours and two EILA credit hours
Facilitators: Ian Brandon and Dr. Nate Irvin
Contact: Ian Brandon

Description: In this training participants will Identify Key Trends: Understand key social, technological, and environmental trends shaping the mid to long-term future. They will also learn Adaptability Skills: Learn strategies to adapt to changes in management and leadership roles in response to these emerging trends. By the end of the session, participants will have a better understanding of how to navigate and lead in a future shaped by generative AI and other emerging trends, with practical strategies to apply in their roles as educators, managers, and leaders. This will impact student learning because by understanding the emerging trends in technology this can improve the culture climate for students (sense of belonging). A positive school climate/culture is related to higher student engagement and higher academic achieving.