Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook
JCPS is responsible for providing a safe and orderly classroom environment where all students receive a quality education. This access to a quality educational environment is a right given to each student through Kentucky law. The Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) 158.440 states, “Every student should have access to a safe, secure, and orderly school that is conducive to learning.” Responsible behavior of students, parents, teachers, and other district personnel is essential to ensuring this right.
The SSBIH, reviewed and developed collaboratively by the SSBIH Revision Committee, seeks to provide a clear picture to guide all JCPS stakeholders in the fair and equitable application of behavior support systems provided by the district. Committee members supporting these efforts include, but are not limited to, teachers, administrators, parents, General Counsel, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), and JCPS staff with unique expertise in students with disabilities, truancy, behavior supports, social-emotional learning, cultural competence, and early childhood learners. All committee meetings are open to the public with relevant materials posted to the Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA).
The handbook is intended to be instructive, not punitive; is based on the principle of positive and preventive responses (e.g., interventions and skill building); and is aimed at addressing the causes of inappropriate behavior, resolving conflict, meeting students’ needs, and keeping students in school. Staff members will attempt to resolve inappropriate behavior by every means before removing a student from the classroom and/or school.
The handbook seeks to clearly define expectations for appropriate behavior, identify the possible consequences of inappropriate behavior, and ensure that discipline when necessary is administered promptly and equitably. The SSBIH applies to all students, school personnel, parents, and other visitors when on school property or attending a school function. School administrators are expected to develop and implement a plan with teachers to ensure that appropriate behaviors are intentionally taught, modeled, learned, and reviewed to ensure student understanding and success.
All students are expected to use this handbook as a guide to learn what expected behaviors are, what supports are in place, and what the consequences for inappropriate behaviors will be. The expectations outlined in this handbook will be in effect from the time the student leaves home for school until the time they return home. This includes time spent at the bus stop, on the bus, at school-sponsored events, and on school property.
JCPS values our diversity and strives to be inclusive and aware of the cultural differences of our students and staff while providing equitable opportunities and access. For effective interactions with JCPS families who prefer to communicate in a language other than English, our district guarantees access to trained and assessed interpreters. The interpretation services that we offer include Face-to-Face Interpretation, Over-the-Phone Interpretation, and Video Remote Interpretation. JCPS parents/guardians can access these services for school-related matters by visiting, calling, or sending a note to their child’s school. JCPS is committed to providing certified interpretation services to ensure an equitable educational experience.
Research has shown that disparity in suspension rates accounts for as much as onefifth of the Black-white achievement gap (Morris and Perry, 2016). Further exclusionary consequences exacerbate such consequences as apathy, anger, and disengagement, which in turn increase the likelihood of more consequences. When students perceive an unfair distribution of punishment, such as suspension, an environment of anxiety is created, with achievement outcomes decreasing and students reporting less of a sense of belonging (Bottiani, Bradshaw, & Mendelson, 2016; Perry & Morris, 2014).
The JCPS commitment to racial equity and our district Racial Equity Plan necessitate awareness, action, and accountability around all practices, especially culturally competent teaching, bias awareness and prevention training, and equitable treatment of all students. All staff members are expected to use this handbook fairly and without discrimination in every situation.
Additionally, we have taken measures to consider and be sensitive to a student’s age and the developmental appropriateness of our Behavior and Range of Corrective Strategies. We know that at different stages of development, a student’s capacity to understand their behavior develops and grows. Our handbook takes this into consideration and allows for such growth and maturity. As a result of JCPS’s commitment to the critical importance of building and sustaining positive adult-to-student and student-to-student relationships, there is a renewed focus on celebrating and recognizing appropriate student behaviors, cultural competence, age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate supports and consequences, and communication. Every student, parent/guardian, and school staff member receives a copy of this handbook and receives instructions on how to use it. Versions of this handbook were adopted by the JCBE on November 21, 1977, and were revised in 1979, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.