Jurisdiction and Application of the SSBIH

Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook

The consequences set forth in the SSBIH apply to students at all times while they are on JCPS property or attending a JCPS event. JCPS property includes any school or other JCPS facility, including grounds owned or operated by JCPS, JCPS buses, and other JCPS vehicles, and the facility and grounds of any JCPS-sponsored activity involving students. Any student who is present when another student(s) is actively engaging in behavior that violates the SSBIH and the act is a law violation, may also be subject to consequences if the behavior constitutes active participation.

Student conduct occurring outside of school hours or away from school property may be subject to consequences if the school administration reasonably believes or possesses evidence that the conduct threatens the health or safety of students or staff, or if the conduct causes or is reasonably expected to cause substantial disruption or material interference with school activities.