KETS Codes

KETS Codes






31002100— Basic End-User Device

Any consumer grade device used for access to web-based tools, resources & content for students or staff

Examples: standard tablets (i.e., iPads, Microsoft Surface Go), standard laptops (including Chromebooks)     

31002105— Advanced End-User Device

Any enterprise or business class device used for advanced access to admin. systems or media creation by students or staff

Examples: tablets (i.e., iPad Pro, Microsoft Surface Pro), mid-high grade laptops  

Assistive/Adaptive Technology

Hardware that permits a device to be used by a special needs teacher/student/staff (while not restricting use by others)






Classroom, school, and district office printing

Managed print services, copiers and printers (purchased or leased)




31002107—Data Storage Hardware

Any district or school servers/file storage on premises or cloud-based (including network file, print, virtual servers, SANs/NAS, etc.), along with associated maintenance costs

This includes servers for administration, shared, or district use.

Software/Software Maintenance/Software Subscriptions

31002111—Infinite Campus Software or Services

All costs associated with Infinite Campus software and/or services

Annual payments and add-ons

31002110—Munis Financial Software or Services

All costs associated with Munis software and/or services

Annual payments and add-ons

31002102—All Other Software or Services

All instructional or district administrative software licenses, digital subscriptions, instructional digital content, apps, etc.

Microsoft EES Agreement, Study Island, Blackboard, Food Service, Transportation, Network Management, Data Collection Solutions, etc.




31002104—Classroom Technology

Any classroom technology hardware, along with associated maintenance costs (other than laptops/tablets, telephones, or network devices)

Digital, video or desktop camera, desktop microphone, CODEC, sound system, TV, DVD player, HDTV receiver and their cables or speakers, Interactive Flat Panel, projector, document camera, voting system, barcode reader, scanner, monitor, keyboard, mouse, laptop battery, headphones, etc.




31002108—Voice Systems

Hardware, software and services that run the phone system, along with associated maintenance costs

Hosted or on-prem, including handsets, voicemail, phones, cell phones, etc. Along with PRIs, POTS, VoIP, any voice service, monthly hosted VoIP, etc.

31002112— Network Components - Wiring (Voice, Data, Video)

Data, voice, video wiring (copper or fiber), along with associated maintenance costs

Fiber connections, network switch ports, transceivers, wire runs, patch cables, connectors, faceplates, conduit, cable trays, labels, wiring closet. Along with labor to provide wired/wireless data, voice/video connectivity,

Technology Professional Development


31002115—Professional Development

Professional development for technology

Online or on-site training