To access Kentucky Administrative Regulations regarding Exceptional Child Education under IDEA, go to
707 KAR 1:002 Definitions (Pg. 3)
707 KAR 1:270 Kentucky special education mentor program (Pg. 2)
707 KAR 1:290 Free appropriate public education (Pg. 11)
707 KAR 1:300 Child find, evaluation, and reevaluation (Pg.14)
707 KAR 1:310 Determination of eligibility (Pg. 18)
707 KAR 1:320 Individual Education Program (Pg. 21)
707 KAR 1:340 Procedural safeguards/complaints (Pg. 28)
707 KAR 1:350 Placement decisions (Pg. 39)
707 KAR 1:360 Confidentiality of information (Pg. 41)
707 KAR 1:370 Children with disabilities in private schools (Pg. 43)
707 KAR 1:380 Monitoring and recovery of funds (Pg. 48)
Index (Pg. 52)