Reporting Concerns of Improper Treatment or Abuse

Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook

If, at any time, a parent, guardian, staff member, or other person(s) suspects or witnesses an event that compromises the emotional or physical safety of a student, it should be reported immediately. In JCPS, systems are in place to evaluate, investigate, support, and respond to situations that could present harm to a student. With interest in providing the best service possible to our students and families, we have multiple ways that incidences can be reported. Additionally, there is a JCPS Child Abuse Reporting Policy; details are provided below.

  1. If feasible, we urge parents and guardians to call the building principal and report concerns. If that is unsuccessful, the assistant superintendent supporting the school should be contacted.

  2. If concerns involve the potential of bullying or harassment, please call our JCPS Hotline at 1-888-393-6780 or visit our website to complete an online report. See the Bullying Prevention resources on page 14 for more support.

  3. Parents and guardians may also call the JCPS Call Center at (502) 313-4357.

Any allegation made to JCPS staff that involves abuse must be immediately reported in accordance with the JCPS Child Abuse Reporting Policy, which states:

Any teacher, school administrator, or other school personnel who knows or has reasonable cause to believe that a child under age eighteen (18) is dependent, abused, or neglected shall immediately make a report to a local law enforcement agency or the Kentucky State Police, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services or its designated representative, the Commonwealth’s Attorney, or the County Attorney in accordance with KRS 620.030.

Under Kentucky law, there are several authorities to which abuse or neglect can and should be reported. It is the district’s policy, in compliance with state law, that you should immediately report incidents of suspected abuse or neglect to:

Department of Social Services

Child Protective Services (CPS) Hotline
(502) 595-4550

24-hour Hotline
(502) 595-4550

Crimes Against Children Unit (CACU) of the Louisville Metro Police Department

(502) 574-2465

The JCPS Child Abuse Reporting Policy can be found at