Student Transportation Services

The Student Transportation Services Department strives to provide eligible students with safe, efficient, and courteous bus services. We take pride in working with schools and families to serve our students.

School Year Hours

Main Transportation Office
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Bus Compound Offices
5 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Bus Rider Information

If you have questions concerning bus routes, call your child's school or the Transportation Office at (502) 485-3470. After school starts, information may be more quickly obtained from the area bus compounds.

While waiting for the school bus:

  • Arrive at your bus stop five minutes before the bus. The driver is on a schedule and must stay on time.

  • Keep the roadway clear of books, clothing, and other articles. Never play in the road, and stand well away from the road when the bus approaches.

  • Respect neighbors’ property, such as flowers, shrubbery, windows, fences, and other items, while waiting for the bus and avoid making excessive noise or littering,

  • Wait until the bus stops, then walk to the door and board the bus in an orderly manner. Do not push or shove.  Do not run alongside the bus when the bus is moving

  • If you live on the opposite side of the road from a bus stop, wait on your side of the road until the bus arrives.   The driver will signal to cross the road when it is safe.  In the afternoon, cross in front of the bus and not behind it.

While riding the school bus:

  • Students are expected to ride their assigned buses.

  • Students can leave the bus only at the regular, designated stop. Any change must be made in writing at the parent's/guardian's request and approved by the school principal's signature.   

  • Students cannot switch buses without authorization from a principal or the Transportation Services Department.

  • Report any alleged misconduct on the school bus to the principal.

Bus Stop Assignments

Specialized Schools

Minor Daniels Academy, Breckinridge Metropolitan High School, and Teenage Parent Program (TAPP) students will be notified by the school of bus stop locations and times.

Did you move?

If you have recently moved, please inform your child's school.

More Information

Bus Safety

School bus behavior expectations are established to ensure all students have a safe ride to and from school daily.  Positive and proactive strategies will be implemented to foster appropriate behavior and productive relationships.  The school bus is an extension of the classroom, and appropriate behavior is expected at all times.

Students are expected to follow the same behavioral standards while riding the school bus as is expected on school property or at school functions, activities, and events.  All school rules are in effect while a student rides the bus or waits at a designated stop. View the Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook.

Early Childhood Transportation

If your child receives early childhood transportation services, please check your child’s bus number, as some students may ride one bus in the morning and another in the afternoon.

Students will be picked up and dropped off at the same address, and parents should be outside at least ten minutes before the scheduled stop time.

Students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or an authorized person 16 years or older. No student will be released to anyone else. If an authorized person does not meet a student, they will be returned to their school.

Your child’s school will contact you with bus information.

Special Needs Transportation

All students in special needs programs who are scheduled to ride special buses will be contacted by their drivers before the school opens regarding pick-up time.