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Jersie Thompson is in her second year of coaching the PRP field hockey team

By Dyuce Woodson

September 6, 2023—Jersie Thompson graduated from Pleasure Ridge Park High School in 2019, and now just four years later, she's already in her second year of coaching the school's field hockey team. 

While many head coaches come back and coach the same team they played on during their high school days, it's not too often those individuals get to lead the team they created. 

Thompson, formerly Duncan, was a freshman when she created the team. By her sophomore year, PRP field hockey was an established sports program. 

"I feel proud, I suppose," Thompson said. "I'm really happy that where I started in terms of making the program and then continuing to play for it, graduating and looking back at the program, thinking it was something in the past and turned right around and smacked into it."