So, you’ve heard of the Montessori program at Central and you’re trying to figure out if this is right for you? Let us clarify what Central Montessori is.
Students enrolled in the Montessori program at Central High School take their core content classes (Math, Social Studies, Science, English, and World Language) with Montessori teachers, and have access to all Central has to offer, including our magnet programs, AP classes, and extracurriculars.
The Montessori program is based on the work of Maria Montessori. Maria Montessori was a foremother of positive social change. Our activities fall within these areas:
Working with the “earth”
Peace Education/Service
Some of the characteristics of the Central Montessori program are:
Inquiry-based collaborative instructional approach - Structure that allows for student agency in learning with teacher guidance and support.
This might mean showing mastery of a class’s learning through alternate means. Maybe it means you need to take a different approach when you practice new material.
You will be working in groups!
Mixed-age classes that help foster community
Community is an important aspect of Montessori, so you won’t always be in groups with only the same grade--just like you won’t always be working with people the same age in any future career you may pursue!
This should give you opportunities to work with peers and with those who have more or less experience than you.
Coursework that promotes critical thinking and independence
You will be connecting what you are learning to real world applications!
A peaceful environment that encourages mindfulness and community
Field trips developed by the students that include service, camping, and travel
Some things are better learned outside of a classroom setting! So, we make intentional time during the year (Intersessions) to provide opportunity for you to gain life skills based on what you and your teachers think you need
A student best suited to the Montessori program:
Works well with others in groups
Wants to connect content to the real world (Wants to know “why”)
Is willing to step outside of comfort zone
Is able to engage in Montessori activities outside of school time
Is Montessori right for you?