NTI Schedule
7:30-9:05 Teachers Planning
9:05-9:50 1st Block Office Hours
10:05-10:50 2nd Block Officer Hours
10:50-12:10 Lunch and School-wide Office Hours
12:25-1:10 3rd Block Office Hours
1:25-2:10 4th Block Office Hours
Accessing Classes
Go to classroom.google.com to access the assignments. NTI will follow the regular "A Day" / "B Day" schedule. (For example, if we are on NTI on a B Day, you will complete assignments for your B Day classes.) The school A/B calendar can be accessed HERE
Expectations for NTI
Students will access classes on Google Classroom daily.
Students will follow the same A/B Schedule as in-person learning. For example, if we are on NTI on a B Day, you will complete assignments and access teacher office hours via Google Meets for your B Day classes.
Teachers will have office hours daily for additional help and instruction, as needed. The link will be provided by the teacher in your Google Classroom.
Check your school email and Google Classroom multiple times a day.
Support Services
Dr. Tamela Compton - Email
Assistant Principals:
Dr. Cynthia Eddings-King (9th Grade)-Email
Mike Whitfill (10th Grade)-Email
Ryan Bringhurst (11th Grade)- Email
Tiffany Beaumont (12th Grade)- Email
Tinika Campbell (9th Grade)-Email
Heidi Weber (10th Grade)-Email
Danielle Washburn (11th grade) - Email
Brianne Oliver (12th Grade)- Email
Curtrese Lockhart (Acad. Success & Equity)- Email
Additional Resources:
School Technology Coordinator-Shawn Canaday- Email
School Safety Coordinator - Mikel Brown- Email
Attendance Clerk- Lashara Baker - Email
Park Duvalle Health Clinic- 502-916-7573
Mental Health Practitioner- Nefertia Mason - Email
Family Resource Youth Services Center- Elona Mack- Email
Home School Coordinator- Lavetta Whitlock- Email
School Secretary-
Magnet Coordinator- Ashley Hancox - Email
Athletic Director- Steven Stigall -Email