Culture & Climate
Behavior Systems
Stober Building
3301 Stober Road,
Louisville, KY 40213
Contact Us
Saundra Hensel
Manager, Behavior Systems
(502) 485-6526
About Us
The Behavior Systems Department ensures comprehensive support to schools in implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Restorative Practices (RP) in JCPS schools. Our department trains schools on implementing these evidence-based approaches to cultivate a positive school community, enhance engagement, and foster relationships among students and staff. We continually expand our training and implementation efforts to equip staff with effective proactive strategies for addressing behaviors, restoring relationships, and guiding students toward responsible actions and positive alternatives.
What is PBIS?

PBIS, or Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, is a proactive framework used in schools to promote positive behavior and improve overall school climate. It's based on data-driven decision-making and offers tiered supports to address students' varying behavioral needs. By setting clear expectations, teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors, and providing targeted support when necessary, PBIS aims to create a positive and supportive learning environment for all students.
What is Restorative Practice?
Restorative Practice (RP) is a set of strategies educators use WITH students to:
Develop supportive relationships (proactive)
Build community (proactive)
Respond to challenging behavior (responsive)
JCPS began implementing Restorative Practice in 2016. Restorative Practice, or RP, is an equitable and proactive set of strategies building community and a sense of belonging, as well as for addressing conflicts and behavior concerns. RP focuses on repairing harm and restoring relationships. Instead of simply punishing a child for misbehavior, restorative practice encourages them to understand the impact of their actions and take responsibility for them. It's about helping students learn from their mistakes and repair the harm done. In JCPS, 45% of schools have been trained and are implementing RP. By using Restorative Practice, we aim to build a supportive and respectful community where everyone feels a sense of belonging and feels valued.
"The fundamental premise of restorative practice is that people are happier, more cooperative, and productive, and more likely to make positive changes when those in authority do things WITH them, rather than TO them, FOR them, or NOT at all." Ted and Susan Wachtel, International Institute for Restorative Practices
Ted Wachtel
International Institute for Restorative Practices
Bullying Prevention
Stober Building
3301 Stober Road,
Louisville, KY 40213
Contact Us
Bullying Prevention
(502) 485-7527
About Us
The Bullying Prevention Department provides educational resources and support to JCPS stakeholders to increase awareness, reduce bullying behavior, and improve our schools and district's positive culture and climate. We offer presentations and resources on bullying prevention to all stakeholders and monitor and distribute Tipline reports. We also observe students in the classroom, offer recommendations, and conference with students, staff, and parents upon request.
Bullying Resources
Student Behavior Support
Quick Links
Contact Us
Dr. Naomi Handley
Student Behavior Support Team Manager
External: (502) 485-6792
Internal: (502) 400-6792
About Us
The Student Behavior Support (SBS) team works with K-12 students (non-ECE) who exhibit extremely disruptive behaviors to enhance positive outcomes and reduce suspensions, incidents, and referrals. SBS professionals collaborate, coach, and consult with school staff to create individualized behavior support plans, monitor and analyze outcomes, and gradually reduce direct support as students exhibit safe and conducive behaviors. Replacing unacceptable behavior with prosocial and healthy responses increases opportunities for deeper learning.
Project Prevent
Contact Us
Dr. Naomi Handley
Student Behavior Support Team Manager, Project Prevent Grant Director
External: (502) 485-6792
Internal: (502) 400-6792
Project Prevent Community Partner: Volunteers of America Restorative Justice (VOA-RJ)
Stober Building
3301 Stober Road
Louisville, KY 40213
About Us
The JCPS Project Prevent grant, federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education, is designed to mitigate the effects of community violence on students and families.
Pupil Personnel
Student Records and Transcripts
In Kentucky, under state law, all children who are six (6) by August 1 or less than 18 years old must be enrolled in school. A homeschool student is one whom the family has withdrawn from public school pursuant to KRS 159.030 and chosen to educate through a private or home setting. Kentucky classifies homeschools as non-public schools; therefore, the laws relating to nonpublic schools also apply to home schools.
Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS), states: “... any child who is six (6) years of age, or who may become six (6) years of age by August 1, shall attend public school or qualify for an exemption as provided by KRS 159.030. Any child who is five (5) years of age, or who may become five (5) years of age by August 1, may enter a primary school program” or may wait until the child is 6 years old
Student Relations
Specialized Options
Liberty High
Phoenix School of Discovery
Georgia Chaffee Teenage Parent Program (TAPP)
Pathfinder School of Innovation
Behavior Support Schools
Breckinridge Metropolitan High
Minor Daniels Academy
About Us
The Office of Student Relations provides behavior support for schools, parents, and students. It offers resources to cope with substance abuse and other issues that can hinder learning and assists in placing students into the appropriate Area 5 schools.
Applying to Middle and High Specialized Options
Students and families interested in enrolling in a Specialized Option (Liberty, Phoenix School of Discovery, TAPP, or Pathfinder School of Innovation) should complete the online referral/application.
For questions or additional assistance, please get in touch with our office directly.
2025-26 Specialized Options Application Period
March 31, 2025–February 27, 2026
2026-27 Specialized Options Application Period
March 30, 2026–February 26, 2027
Safe Crisis Management
Our Philosophy
The Five C's
1. Committed
We are Committed to the welfare, positive growth, and development of individuals served.
2. Care
We Care about individuals being served.
3. Consistency
We know that when organizations provide Consistency, they achieve better outcomes regarding staff retention, staff performance, and individual growth.
4. Competent
We believe staff must be Competent when working with individuals.
5. Courage
We believe in professional Courage: "doing what's right even when it's difficult."
JKM Training provides Safe Crisis Management (SCM) training to promote professional training that respects the dignity of all individuals. To get certified, you must complete the online SCM module and pass written and physical skill tests with a minimum score of 85 percent. The physical SCM training is available in summer and winter sessions, and you must attend a four-hour practice to maintain your certification before the expiration date listed on your SCM certificate.
SCM adheres to best practice guidelines and complies with federal and state statutes defined by 704 KAR 7:160 Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion in Public Schools. Additional information on restraint and seclusion can be found in the 2023-24 Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook (pages 41–44).
How Can We Help?
The Violence Prevention team assists any JCPS student directly impacted by gun violence. The team will meet with the student and family impacted by gun violence and then determine next steps based on the needs of the individual student.
Call the Director of Violence Prevention if:
You know a student impacted by gun violence.
A student is returning to a JCPS school from an outside agency.
Call the Director of Court Liaison if you need:
Information regarding the juvenile court process.
Information around specific student information related to a
court hearing.