🚨 911 CLASS | Did you know Louisville MetroSafe 911 operators say “911, WHERE is your emergency?” Students at Auburndale Elementary do! Location is the most important info. Thanks to Louisville Metro Emergency Services for the important lesson on who to call and what to say. #WeAreJCPS
6 months ago, JCPS Communications
 Students sit and listen to an adult who is talking into a mic.
"Emergency, Who do I call" sheet of paper instructing students to call 911 in event of emergency.
 Students sit and listen to an adult who is talking into a mic.
Students pick up "Emergency, Who do I call” sheets
🧑‍🍳 TASTE OF SUCCESS | Academies of Louisville students recently competed in a Jr. Chef Challenge hosted by the Kentucky State Fair. Marion C. Moore School and Doss High School students were tasked with modernizing a classic school lunch tray! 🔗 STORY ➡️ https://www.aoflalliance.org/news/taste-of-success-academies-of-louisville-students-compete-in-jr-chef-challenge #WeAreJCPS
7 months ago, JCPS Communications
Students prepare food during a cooking competition.
Student prepare food on a table.
An individual prepares food at a kitchen island.
Two individuals stand next to an Academies of Louisville banner.
It’s hot! So JCPS athletics teams are practicing before school or after 6 p.m. Taking “wet bulb” air temps and having trainers, ice tubs, and lots of water on hand will keep our student athletes healthy and safe. #WeAreJCPS
7 months ago, JCPS Communications
Ice bath
Gatorade water cooler
SAVE THE DATE | The annual JCPS Showcase of Schools will take place on Saturday, November 2, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Norton Healthcare Sports and Learning Center, 3029 W Muhammad Ali Blvd., Louisville, KY 40212. Representatives from all 160+ JCPS schools will be under one roof to share information with families about the district’s various choices, including magnet schools, career programs, and more!
7 months ago, JCPS Communications
Graphic says: Jefferson County Public Schools, 2024, Showcase of Schools, Saturday,  Nov. 2, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Norton Healthcare Sports and Learning Center, 3029 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd., Louisville, KY 40212, All JCPS Schools in One Place for One Day Only
Thanks to Oxmoor Toyota for donating backpacks full of school supplies to our students at Zachary Taylor Elementary and Breckinridge-Franklin Elementary School! We appreciate you and all of our local corporate partners for your support of kids. #WeAreJCPS
7 months ago, JCPS Communications
Three students sit on the floor.
A student and an adult sit on the floor and look through a backpack.
Students and an adult sit on the floor and look through backpacks.
A student looks inside a backpack.
JCPS kicked off the 2024-25 school year Thursday! Welcome back students. We are happy you're here! #WeAreJCPS #JCPSFirstDay24
7 months ago, JCPS Communications
Woman holding a sign that says "We are Happy You're Here!"
🌟 DEAF & HARD OF HEARING CAMP | More than 40 JCPS students are attending a summer camp designed for kids who are deaf or hard of hearing. The camp offers students a chance to socialize with peers like them while building language skills! #WeAreJCPS
8 months ago, JCPS Communications
A student sits and smiles. Another student raises her hand.
A student holds a jar that is glowing yellow.
An adult helps a student build a box out of paper.
Two students play while another watches.
Three students smile and use sign language to say "I love you."
A student signs to another student.
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY | All JCPS locations will be closed on Thursday, July 4 in observance of the federal holiday. JCPS summer meal sites and summer programming sites are also closed on Friday, July 5. Sites will reopen on Monday, July 8.
8 months ago, JCPS Communications
Graphic says: Happy Fourth of July. JCPS Summer Meal Sites and Summer Programming Sites Closed July 4th and July 5th. Sites reopen on Monday, July 8th.
🚍 Our JCPS bus drivers enjoy the flexibility their jobs give them and encourage others who are invested in their community to apply today for this unique employment opportunity! 🔗 Learn more at http://JCPSbusdriver.com. #WeAreJCPS
8 months ago, JCPS Communications
Woman driving a bus.
Avon Paul will be the first to tell you that if you want to be part of the village and make a difference in the lives of children, you should join our team of JCPS bus drivers! Learn more about this career journey at JCPSbusdrivers.com. #WeAreJCPS
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
Photo of Avon Paul, Bus Driver.
THIS MONTH | JCPS is offering free physicals and vaccinations for students this month. Students starting kindergarten, going into the sixth grade, or playing sports must have a physical exam and be up-to-date on state-required vaccines. Clinics will be held at a number of schools from June 17 to 28. View the full list of dates and sites here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h5GGxj8ES-wU-74ZqO5YwEzV0ySIw3yE/view Pre-register your student(s) using this Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdR7qDPBXqJnFYak5fxBiizX4uAK6YWq5YCVO2-VlUY9VrAVA/viewform JCPS will also have appointments available for physicals/vaccinations at the CB Young building at 3001 Crittenden Drive. Call (502) 485-3387 to schedule an appointment.
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
⭐ NATIONAL CHAMPS | Congratulations to Brandeis Elementary School for taking home first place in the National Academic Competition! The team took first place in the Elementary Podium. Greathouse Shryock Elementary took second place in the same category. Great job representing JCPS on the national stage! #WeAreJCPS
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
Four students sit at a table and smile for a photo.
🚍 BUS DRIVER HIRING BLITZ | Did you know average pay for a JCPS bus driver is $55,000 per year? Join us June 26, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a Bus Driver Hiring Blitz at the Norton Sports and Learning Center. Learn more about the position and apply onsite! #WeAreJCPS
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
Graphic says: JCPS Bus Driver Hiring Blitz. Wednesday, June 26, 2024. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Norton Sports and Learning Center. 3000 W. Market Street. Average pay for a JCPS Bus Driver is $55,000 per year! Items to Bring: Driver's license,  two forms of ID, copy of HS diploma or GED, voided check, two references (name, email, address, and phone number). Questions? Contact JCPS Welcome Center for more information at 502-485-3370.
🎉 CONGRATS | Congratulations to Ballard High School rising sophomore Wyatt, who was accepted into the prestigious United States Naval Academy Summer STEM Program in Annapolis, MD! Wyatt’s grandfather, cousin, and great-uncle all attended the Naval Academy, and he hopes to continue the family legacy. #WeAreJCPS
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
A student smiles.
📦 BULK MEALS | JCPS Nutrition Services held its second summer 2024 bulk meal pickup yesterday, more than doubling the bulk food boxes at each of its three pickup locations. Bulk pickup is offered on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on a first-come, first-served basis. #WeAreJCPS
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
Two adults load a box into a car.
An adult loads a box into the trunk of a car.
A woman smiles while holding a clipboard.
A man carries a box.
ROAD TRIP! JCPS librarians are excited to be learning new ways they can drive literacy and reading efforts in our schools. It doesn’t stop in summer. Thanks to former teacher and current Lt. Governor ⁦Jacqueline Coleman for hopping on the bus with us this morning. #WeAreJCPS
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
People sit in chairs. A sign says "Right to Read Road"
People sit in chairs and listen to a speaker speaking at a podium.
A sign says "Welcome Librarians. Literacy Road Trip and More on Route 24"
A person speaks at a podium.
🌟 TACTILE SOLUTIONS | Last month, GE Appliances and American Printing House for the Blind visited Central High School to share​​ ​the award-winning tactile overlay kit for all appliance brands that Central High School students who are blind or low vision and their teacher helped inspire! #WeAreJCPS
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
A student turns a knob on an oven.
A student opens a can of dough.
A card with words and Braille sit on a counter.
A student uses his hands to read Braille on a card sitting on a counter.
🤖 ROBO OLYMPICS | The J. Graham Brown School hosted its first Robo Olympics last month. The fun-filled event styled after the Olympic games featured multiple competitions and activities with robots built and programmed by students! Congratulations to Mr. Gregory and his students for making the inaugural Robo Olympics a success! #WeAreJCPS
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
An adult helps student with their robots.
Students compete in the Robo Olympics.
Students compete in the Robo Olympics.
A student works on a robot.
🚍 Join us at our next Bus Driver Hiring Blitz on June 26, 2024 in West Louisville at the Norton Sports and Learning Center! Attendees can learn more about this rewarding position and apply on site! 🔗 You can also apply online today: https://lnkd.in/g9e3cd5Z hashtag#WeAreJCPS hashtag#NowHiring hashtag#busdrivers hashtag#CDL
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
Graphic says: Jefferson County Public School. Bus Driver Hiring Blitz. Wednesday, June 26, 2024. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Norton Sports and Learning Center. 3000 W Market Street. Average Pay for a JCPS Bus Driver is $55,000 per Year!
🌞 FREE SUMMER MEALS | JCPS is again offering free summer meals for children 18 and under, including a new bulk meal feature where families can pick up five breakfasts and five lunches at one stop every Tuesday! Learn more and find sites: https://jcps.nutrislice.com #WeAreJCPS
9 months ago, JCPS Communications
Summer Bulk Meals Flyer