Student Activities

Academic Team
Academic Team consists Quick Recall, Problem Solving, and individual written assessments in math, science, language arts, composition, fine arts, and social studies. Students in 4th and 5th may participate.

Boys and Girls Basketball
4th and 5th grade students are invited to tryout for the boys or girls Norton Cougar Basketball Team.

Cheerleading and Mascot
Cougar Pride shines when 4th and 5th grade students bring on the school spirit at basketball games during the winter months.

Chess Club
Chess Club meets on Fridays after school until 5 p.m. for kindergarten through fifth-grade students.
There are three to four groups based on skill level along with respective coaches.
Chess tournaments occur throughout the year and are separate from the Chess Club. There will be additional information given to the students about each one.

Cross Country
Available to students in 2nd through 5th grades, the Norton Cougar Cross Country Team competes in the fall and spring.

Drama by George Drama Club
Drama Club meets on Thursdays to prepare and produce a play performed for the public!

Kicks Soccer Academy
KICKS SOCCER ACADEMY is specialized in developmental skill-building and recreational soccer programming. At KSA children and families of every nation, race and background are welcome.

VEX Robotics Club
The Norton Elementary Vex Robotics Club is under way! Robotics is meeting every Friday after school for fourth and fifth graders.

Girls Volleyball
3rd through 5th grade girls are invited to participate in Norton's Girls Volleyball team.