Suspension Procedures

Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook

A principal or an assistant principal can suspend a student for offenses as outlined on the Behavior Codes charts beginning on page 25.

  • A Level 3/short-term school suspension is for one to three school days.

  • A Level 4/long-term suspension is for six to ten school days.

  • Level 4/long-term suspensions may be referred to the assistant director of Student Relations for a conference.

  • A suspension of one to ten school days requires due process, in which the student is told of the charge against them, is given a chance to present their perspective regarding the incident, and is given the right to appeal the decision. Suspension appeal procedures are addressed on page 36.

  • A suspension of 11 to 20 school days requires a formal hearing unless such a hearing is waived by the parent/ guardian. For a student with a disability or in the referral process, refer to 707 KAR 1:340. Section 14. Manifestation Determination. For information regarding students with disabilities under Section 504, please refer to the JCPS Section 504 webpage ( The procedures for a formal hearing are outlined later on this page. A school must conduct a manifestation determination for a student with a disability or in the referral process if the school is recommending a change of placement due to a code of conduct

    violation or if the student is being removed for more than ten days.

  • A student on suspension may not enter the school or go on any JCPS school grounds unless arrangements for them to do so are made with the principal or assistant principal. The student may not attend any day or night JCPS-sponsored function or ride a JCPS bus for the duration of the suspension. Any violation of these conditions will result in further consequences.

  • Make-up work may be requested by a student within three school days of their return from suspension. Makeup work will include only written daily work, tests, and major projects. Some class work cannot be duplicated and therefore cannot be made up. Make-up work will be provided to the student as arranged with the teacher. The student will have the number of school days of suspension plus one school day from the time they receive the make-up work to submit it to the teacher. When an absence or suspension occurs at the end of a semester or school year, the student or parent/guardian can make arrangements with the school administrator to take tests and turn in major projects. (See page 40.)

  • A suspension will be for a definite number of school days and cannot be extended.

  • Parents will be notified by letter or electronically of the behavior resulting in suspension, suspension length, and suspension dates.

Formal Hearing

When a student has been suspended for 11 to 20 school days, they are entitled to a formal hearing.

  • The hearing will be held within three school days of notification of suspension.

  • The parent/guardian will be notified of the date, time, and place of the hearing.

  • The hearing officer will be appointed by the superintendent/designee.

  • Written allegations and information are collected and will be provided to the student and the parent/guardian.

  • The student will have a chance to present a defense to the allegations and may be represented by an attorney at their own expense.

  • The student will be allowed to present witnesses, if relevant to the allegations.

  • The parent/guardian may waive the right to the formal hearing.

  • The parent/guardian will receive the decision of the hearing officer within five school days in writing.

Suspension Appeal Process

A student or parent/guardian may request that the student stay in school during the appeal of a suspension. A student determined by the principal to be a danger to others or who is highly likely to be so destructive or disruptive that the education of other students cannot continue in a safe and orderly manner shall not be allowed to attend school during the appeal process unless they are referred to an alternative placement.

Appeals should be made in writing and hand-delivered, mailed, or emailed to the appropriate administrator. If a parent/guardian/student needs help writing a letter of appeal, they may contact Student Relations at (502) 485-3335 for assistance. Refer to the [appeal process] chart on page 37. Alternative appeal formats may be accepted. These alternative appeal formats may be initiated and approved through the director of Student Relations. Failure to follow the appeal procedures within the prescribed time limits as described herein will nullify the right of a student or their parent/guardian to appeal.

Appeal Procedure for School Suspension

The following procedures are required when a parent/ guardian/student appeals a school suspension.

  1. Write a letter explaining your reasons for appealing the suspension to the school administrator who suspended the student. Hand-deliver, mail, or email the appeal letter to the school within three school days of notification of the suspension and appeal process.

  2. If your appeal is denied by the administrator who suspended the student, you may appeal to the principal. The appeal letter must be hand-delivered, mailed, or emailed to the principal within five school days of the day you receive your answer from the administrator who suspended the student.

  3. If your appeal is denied by the principal, you may appeal to the Achievement Area assistant superintendent (Jefferson County Public Schools, VanHoose Education Center, 3332 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY 40218). The appeal must be hand-delivered, mailed, or emailed within five school days of the day you receive your answer from the principal. This is the last step in the appeal process. Refer to the [appeal process] chart on page 37.