🚍 BUS DRIVER BLITZ | Did you know average pay for a JCPS bus driver is $55,000 per year? Join us Saturday, April 13, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a Bus Driver Hiring Blitz at the Hilton Garden Inn Louisville Airport! Learn more about the position, and apply on site! #WeAreJCPS
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
JCPS Bus Driver Hiring Blitz. Average Pay for a JCPS Bus Driver is $55,000 per year! Saturday April 13, 2024 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. HIlton Garden Inn Louisville Airport 2755 Crittenden Drive.
🎉 CELEBRATING ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS | Join us in celebrating National Assistant Principals Week, April 1-5! Thank you, JCPS assistant principals, for all you do to support the success of students and staff! #WeAreJCPS #APWeek24
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
Thank you for your leadership, assistant principals! Join us in celebrating our JCPS Assistant Principals in honor of National Assistant Principals Week! #APWeek24
🎉 STLP CHAMPS | Bowen Elementary School earned the top prize in the STLP Kentucky State Championship yesterday in the K-5 division, with Bloom Elementary School placing second! JCPS had a strong showing with 112 projects total. Read more and see the full list of winners: https://bit.ly/STLPchamps #WeAreJCPS
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
STLP Kentucky State Championship - Bowen Elementary students posing in front of their champions sign.
JCPS Bus Driver Hiring Blitz on Saturday, April 13th from 9a to 2p. Find out more information on our Facebook page here: https://fb.me/e/1P7faKlLM
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
👔 TIE BAR | JCPS Diversity Equity and Poverty Dept. - Envision Equity brought its Tie Bar Program to Western Warriors today, providing shirts and ties and teaching students how to put on a necktie. "This is a great skill I need to know to make a good first impression when I'm looking for a job," one student said. #WeAreJCPS
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
Adult teaching a student how to tie a tie
Group of students with new shirts and ties on
Adult helping tie a tie
Students picking out shirts
Student learning how to tie a tie
🎉 Congratulations to Pleasure Ridge Park High School welding teacher David McCoy on being named a 2024 SkillsUSA Hall of Champions Award recipient! This prestigious award is an honor given those who have dedicated their lives, at a national level, to helping youth develop the components of the SkillsUSA Framework necessary to be successful in a changing world. Their legacy on SkillsUSA will continue far beyond their career! #WeAreJCPS Academies of Louisville
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
Pleasure Ridge Park High School welding teacher David McCoy