👑 MISS AMERICA | Miss America Madison Marsh, who is active duty US Air Force, celebrated Chenoweth Elementary School's commitment to veterans and their children this morning in an event coordinated by Global Game Changers! The event also featured Miss America Teen Hanley House, Miss Kentucky Mallory Hudson, and former Miss America Heather French Henry, who visited with students and celebrated Chenoweth's designation as a Military Child Education Coalition Purple Star school! 💜 #WeAreJCPS
10 months ago, JCPS Communications
Miss America signs an autograph for a student.
Miss America Teen talks to a student.
Miss Kentucky signs an autograph for a student.
Miss America stands at a podium and speaks to students sitting on the floor.
🎉 Happy National School Principals' Day! Thank you to our JCPS principals for their phenomenal leadership and tireless dedication to JCPS students, staff, and families! #WeAreJCPS
10 months ago, JCPS Communications
Graphic says "Happy National School Principals' Day. We appreciate you!”
JCPS will host a virtual community information session on Tuesday, April 30, from 6 to 7 p.m. on proposed school start time adjustments for the 2024-25 school year. The session will include time for questions and answers. You can watch the information session live on the JCPS YouTube page. The session will be recorded and available on YouTube after the event ends. Scenario 1: https://bit.ly/StartTimesScenario1 Scenario 2: https://bit.ly/StartTimesScenario2 This form is being used to collect any questions you have about the scenarios: https://forms.gle/Yghi5jhycwG3GTRD9
10 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
🎬 FC FILM SCHOOL | After creating a movie that would win Best Narrative Feature during the Gary International Black Film Festival, the Fern Creek High School Film Club is working on its next project. The club's first movie was a drama. The second will be a thriller/horror! #WeAreJCPS https://fb.watch/rxxVjDLNPh/
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
💻 NEW WEBSITE | JCPS' website — https://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/ — is getting a fresh, new look! The new site launches Friday, April 19, and will feature a modern, mobile-friendly design and improved navigation for users. We anticipate the transition will be quick. However, you may experience minor inconveniences, such as slow loading times, difficulty accessing specific pages or features, issues with search results, or temporary downtime. We will do our best to keep any disruptions as short as possible. Thank you for your patience and support as we improve our website's navigability and user-friendliness! #WeAreJCPS
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
Check out our new website! Coming Friday, April 19th.
❤️ SERVICE LEARNING | The Newburg Middle School student government association has completed more than 30 community service projects this year! For their latest project, more than 80 students cleaned the grounds of the churches, park, and community center in their neighborhood. Bravo! #WeAreJCPS
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
Students picking up trash on the ground
Students spread out picking up trash around a yard
Students picking up trash from the ground
Students carrying trash bags and picking up trash from the ground
Students carrying trash bags and picking up trash from the ground
Students cleaning up trash on the ground
👩‍🍳 SCHOOL LUNCH HEROES 🦸‍♀️ | Happy School Lunch Hero Week to all of our dedicated nutrition services employees who keep our students fed! We're excited to highlight JCPS Nutrition Services staff this week! Today's 🌟: Dr. J Blaine Hudson Middle School #WeAreJCPS
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
Happy School Lunch Hero Week! Hudson Middle "Ms. Candice, Ms. Charlessa, and Ms. Elaine are absolutely the heroes of Hudson Middle School. They smoothly swoop in each day to prep, serve, and build positive relationships with our students and staff in the cafeteria. I am so thankful to work alongside them. Go Panthers!" - Dr. Jeronda Majors Principal
⚡️ FLASH DADS | The #JCPSFlashDads surprised students at Dr. William H. Perry Elementary School this morning! Everyone was excited to see those smiling faces! #WeAreJCPS
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
Adults greeting children as they walk through the doors to school
Adults greeting children as they walk through the doors to school
Smiling child as she walks into school
Adults greeting children as they walk through the doors to school
Adults greeting children as they walk through the doors to school
Student fist-bumping an adult
Adults greeting children as they walk through the doors to school
Adults greeting children as they walk through the doors to school
Adults greeting children as they walk through the doors to school
Adults greeting children as they walk through the doors to school
❤️ SERVICE LEARNING | More than 200 JCPS middle school students spent their Wednesday morning serving others. The students came from 14 Explore Pathways JCPS schools and fanned out to six Louisville-area non-profits, organizing food, sorting shoes, packing boxes of food, or preparing furniture deliveries. Watch the video below to see the students in action, and read more: https://bit.ly/4d1aTeE #WeAreJCPS https://fb.watch/rxxwBA3T4L/
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
👩‍🍳 SCHOOL LUNCH HEROES 🦸‍♀️ | Happy School Lunch Hero Week to all of our dedicated nutrition services employees who keep our students fed! We're excited to highlight JCPS Nutrition Services staff this week! Today's 🌟: Atherton High School #WeAreJCPS
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
Happy School Lunch Hero Week! Atherton High "Our nutrition staff is wonderful to work with! Ms. Rose and her team are always flexible and willing to work around our testing schedules to ensure that students' lunch needs are met. They are always friendly and are an integral part of our students' daily success!" - Stephanie Fluhr, Principal
🥎 THE HOME RUN CONTAGION | Louisville Male High School softball is starting the year strong, largely, thanks to the Bulldog's ability to hit home runs. Male has three players in the top 50 for home runs scored, including two in the top five. #WeAreJCPS https://fb.watch/rxxsXqdjgi/
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
👩‍🍳 SCHOOL LUNCH HEROES 🦸‍♀️ | Happy School Lunch Hero Week to all of our dedicated nutrition services employees who keep our students fed! We're excited to highlight JCPS Nutrition Services staff this week! Today's 🌟: Ramsey Middle School JCPS #WeAreJCPS
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
Happy School Lunch Hero Week! Ramsey Middle "We have a very caring cafeteria staff. They keep students the main priority and make sure their lunch time is a great experience. They greet the students as they go through the breakfast or lunch line with positivity each day. The cafeteria staff is also positive and kind to the school staff. We love our cafeteria staff." - Maureen Biggs Assistant Principal
⭐️ TAPPING INTO STUDENT POTENTIAL | Myla is a senior at Waggener High School and will be graduating in June! But her future was not always so certain until JCPS Community Support Services stepped in to support her on her journey. 📺 Learn more! ⬇️ #WeAreJCPS https://fb.watch/rxxp7dADlW/
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
👩‍🍳 SCHOOL LUNCH HEROES 🦸‍♀️ | Happy School Lunch Hero Week to all of our dedicated nutrition services employees who keep our students fed! We're excited to highlight JCPS Nutrition Services staff this week! Today's 🌟: Wilt Elementary School #WeAreJCPS
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
Happy School Lunch Hero Week! Wilt Elementary "We are so grateful for the caring, courteous, and consistent Lunch Heroes at Wilt Elementary! They bring their best attitude and effort each day, and the students and staff appreciate all that they do to help make WIlt function and flourish." - Ben Pinnick, Principal
⏱ WEEKLY WRAP UP [4.12.24] | ✅ Check out Dr. Pollio's Weekly Wrap Up highlighting: ➡️ Transportation plan for 2024-25 school year ➡️ Bus Driver Hiring Blitz tomorrow ➡️ Evolve502 meets fundraising goal for JCPS student scholarships ➡️ Valley High School wins national chess championship #WeAreJCPS https://fb.watch/rxxiem9yET/
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
UPDATE: Congratulations to Valley High School for taking home another national title! Conway Middle School Cougars Den finished 19th with only three players. Continue to keep making us proud! #WeAreJCPS ⬇ Here's the story we did on the teams in March. https://fb.watch/rxxgDCNXIV/
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
🥚 HATCHING EXCITEMENT | Hawthorne Elementary School is one of four JCPS schools hatching bobwhite quail for Blackacre State Nature Preserve And Historic Homestead as they make major renovations to parts of the preserve. Learn more about how this collaboration combines engaging learning and nature! #WeAreJCPS https://fb.watch/rxxeLb9p8X/
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
🩺 NURSING SCHOLARSHIPS | Earlier today, Galen College of Nursing and Norton Healthcare announced a major scholarship, dual credit, and school-to-work initiative for JCPS students working toward a career in nursing! 📺 Learn more about this incredible partnership! #WeAreJCPS Academies of Louisville https://fb.watch/rxxclg8LHq/
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
📺 OUR KIDS APRIL 2024 | The new episode of "Our Kids" is out! This month's show is hosted by Ballard High School correspondent Abby Martin. As we celebrate the 20th season of "Our Kids," we take a look at how students support each other, how they are using their talents, and how they are preparing for the future. ✅ Check it out! ⬇️ #WeAreJCPS https://youtu.be/56mupzDuaKk
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools
✅ SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK | The Jefferson County Board of Education has developed a set of draft goals and guardrails, informed by the community, to guide its priorities. Learn more in the video below. 🔗 Submit feedback: https://bit.ly/3vJBc8n #WeAreJCPS Video Link: https://fb.watch/rl20HfGTe8/
11 months ago, Jefferson County Public Schools