
Class Overview

In Choir, we focus on learning good singing technique, learning to read music (also called music literacy), and singing music from all time periods and cultures. We also want to ENJOY making music together - choir should be a highlight of your day! So come in every day ready to work, learn, and have fun!


Have a look at the Syllabus for all choir classes. Please read carefully and let me know if you have any questions!

Where Can I Find....?

Each grade and class has its own page where assignments and announcements will be posted. Check them out to make sure you know where to find all the important info! (Psst - they're at the top of this page - use the drop down menu to find your class!)


Please do a few things at your earliest convenience.

  1. Browse this website to familiarize yourself with all things WMSFA Choir.

  2. Take this Parent Survey.

Mrs. Cook

About me

Email Mrs. Cook

Hi everyone! My name is Mrs. Cook and I am really excited to be your choir teacher. I have been studying music, playing music, and singing music my whole life and I hope to share the love I have for music with you.

Just a few things about me:

I play the piano and sing.

I have 2 children.

My husband is a music teacher too!

I am originally from East Tennessee and I love the mountains and hiking.

This year will be my 15th year teaching!


Student sites

Parent sites

School Info

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