Ms. Begley


Tamara Begley

Tamara Begley

Tamara Begley, MFA, BFA, is the dance instructor at Western Middle School for the Arts where she teaches a multitude of styles of dance and explores dance integration with her colleagues and students. Tamara is an active modern dance teacher, dancer and choreographer in Louisville, Kentucky and she earned an MFA in Dance from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, holds a BFA in Choreography and Performance from the University of North Carolina Greensboro, and she also earned K-12 teaching certificate in dance from the University of Kentucky. Tamara is also is on the faculty of the Louisville Ballet School where she has taught modern dance technique, improvisation and composition. She has presented at the National Dance Education Organization’s National Conference in 2011, 2015 and 2017. Her choreography has been featured in performances by Moving Collective, The University of Kentucky Dance Ensemble and the Louisville Ballet Youth Ensemble. When she isn’t teaching dance, Tamara also works as a certified personal trainer, and she fills her free time with being a Mom to Mary and Rose.

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Ms. Begley's Family

  • I am the oldest of 5 kids. The youngest and I are 12 years apart.

  • I have two daughters: Mary is 7 and Rose is 3!

  • I also have two Dogs, Churchill (9) and Miss Honey who is brand new!