
Visual Art E-Learning Choiceboard

Independent Study - Select Your Project

Why a Choiceboard? The Visual Art Choiceboard is an opportunity for you to pick your own independent study project! All projects will have deadlines and should take 1-2 weeks, or 2-4 hours to complete. 

Where is what? Materials, steps, and final products are listed for each project as well as videos or other sites you can use for reference.  You can access this info by selecting the link on the project of your choice.  

How will I show progress or my final work? All students must check in once per week to show their project progress. Send or share a photo of your work with Ms. Thompson from your Google Drive or using the Assignment posted in the Classroom. You can also show progress and/or get direct feedback during our weekly meetings, which will be held on Google Meet. Check the Google Classroom for office hours and the Meet link.

Wait, I've got more ideas. Great! Let Ms. Thompson know what you want to create. It's your art. Own it!

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