Behavior Expectations

Family and Student Handbook

The staff at Bowen Elementary is dedicated to supporting our students' social and emotional growth. We have established standards of behavior and expect all students to comply with them, as well as the  JCPS Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook.  Students and families are expected to read this document carefully. Individual teachers will share their classroom management systems with students and parents. Students are taught strategies to help them develop self-control and self-discipline. If you are contacted by a teacher, counselor, or principal and asked to come for a conference about your child’s misbehavior, please realize that various management strategies have already been implemented. Student behavior is reflected on the report card using progress codes to describe how a student displays self-discipline, engages in learning, and works cooperatively with others. 

Progress Codes

4 - Consistently and Independently
3 - Frequently 
2 - Sometimes 
1 - Rarely 

Bus Expectations 

Riding a bus is a privilege that comes with responsibility for one’s safety. At the beginning of the school year, students receive a copy of the JCPS Bus Rules and Regulations from the bus driver and are fully expected to comply with the rules. Students must observe the following rules: 

  • Remain seated in your assigned seat, and face forward at all times. 

  • Keep the aisle clear. 

  • Speak in a conversational tone of voice.

  •  Keep hands, head, feet, and objects inside the bus at all times. 

  • Respect and follow the directions of the bus driver at all times. 

  • Do not eat, drink, or chew gum on the bus. 

  • Use only positive words and language. No fighting or arguing is allowed. 

  • Board and exit the bus in a safe manner. 

  • Be at your bus stop on time. 

Bus Misconduct

Bus drivers deal with misconduct on the bus in several ways prior to referring a student to the principal for disciplinary action. When a referral becomes necessary, the driver submits a special form to the principal. Each time your child is written up by the bus driver for misconduct, you should receive a copy of the bus referral form. Consequences for inappropriate behavior on the bus may vary depending on the severity and/or number of referrals that a student has received. Consequences may include the following: 

  • The student has a conference with the principal, assistant principal, or counselor. 

  • A parent is contacted, and/or a school conference is scheduled. 

  • The student is given a constructive assignment to complete. 

  • The student is suspended from the bus for up to ten days. 

  • The student loses a privilege at school. 

In the event a student is suspended from the bus, there are some things to consider: 

  • When a student is suspended from the bus, he or she may not ride any public school bus for the duration of the suspension. 

  • Parents are responsible for transporting the student to and from school. 

  • Suspensions from the bus are not suspensions from school. If the student does not attend school during a bus suspension, the absence is unexcused. 

  • If misconduct continues after a short bus suspension, the student will be suspended from the bus until the problem has been resolved.