Health & Safety Basics

Family and Student Handbook

Emergency Procedures 

Our school has comprehensive safety plans to address emergencies that might occur at school. These plans include evacuation procedures for fire, shelter-in-place procedures for severe weather and earthquakes, and lockdown procedures for intruders and civil disturbances. Safety procedures are practiced by staff members and students throughout the school year to ensure that everyone is prepared in case of an emergency. To review the plans, please contact the school principal. 

Severe Weather Information 

JCPS may use an alternate schedule in the event of snow, ice, or other weather-related events. Parents should have a backup plan for childcare—especially for young children—in case severe weather strikes during the school day. In the event of weather-related closing, delays, and/or early dismissals, JCPS will notify local TV and radio stations and will update the JCPS website to reflect the changes. Please first check these resources for updated information concerning school closings or delays. Telephone lines need to remain open for emergencies. 

  • School is canceled—All scheduled activities are also canceled. 

  • School opens on a delayed schedule—All bus pick-up times are delayed accordingly. 

  • School dismisses early—All after-school activities, classes, and programs are canceled. 

Health Conditions 

Students who have serious health conditions must have a Primary Care Provider (PCP) Authorization Form on file in the school office. Qualifying conditions may include asthma/allergy, diabetes, gastronomy tube/swallowing/feeding disorders, respiratory disorders, and seizures. The PCP Form is available in the school office and on the JCPS website. It should be completed by the student’s healthcare provider and parent/guardian. PCP Forms are revised annually, so the current school year’s form must be used to be valid. That means PCP Forms must be updated each year. Services related to a health condition cannot be administered without the appropriate and current form on file. For more information, contact JCPS Health Services at 485-3387

Bee dressed up as a nurse holding a clipboard

Medications at School 

Students who require medication during school hours must have a signed authorization form on file in the office. The Authorization to Give Prescription Medication and Authorization to Give Over-the-counter Medication Forms are available in the school office. Please note that a physician must sign the authorization form for over-the-counter medications. For prescription medications, the correct dosage and specific time the medication is to be administered must be clearly printed on the prescription label and written on the authorization form. Authorization forms must be updated each school year and any time a change occurs. 

All medications must be brought to school in the original, labeled container. Parents should make every effort to bring medication to the school office. If you are unable to bring the medication to school personally, it must be sent in a sealed envelope with the student’s name written on the outside. Please call the school office to alert staff that your child is bringing medication to school. All medications must be kept in the school office under the supervision of trained personnel. It is important to note that students are not allowed to transport medications from school to home. In the event medication is no longer needed at school, someone from the office will notify the parent to pick up the medication. At the end of the school year, it is the parent’s responsibility to pick up medication. Any medication not picked up by the last working day for office staff will be disposed of according to JCPS policy. 

Illness or Injury at School 

School staff members are trained to address students' health needs. If a student is injured or becomes ill during the school day, he or she will be accompanied to the nurse's office for assessment and—if necessary—first aid administration. Parents are contacted any time a child becomes ill or injured. Depending on the severity, it may be necessary for the child to be picked up at school. Please make sure your contact information is updated so you can easily be reached in case of an emergency. 

According to JCPS Health Services School Health Guidelines, students with certain symptoms and confirmed illnesses will be excluded from school. See below for specific information. 

Fever—A student who has a fever higher than 100.5 degrees may not attend school. In addition, a student must be fever-free for at least 24 hours before returning to school. 

Excluded from School

Degree of Fever

Additional Symptoms/Conditions

100.5 Degrees or Higher


Less Than 100.5 Degrees

Difficulty breathing, unusual lethargy, irritability, persistent crying, blurry vision, confusion, and/or disorientation

102.5 Degree or Higher

Less than one hour of school remaining - Parent must pick up, or EMS will be called.

Less than 102.5 Degrees

Student may go home as usual unless experiencing respiratory difficulties or change in mental status. In this case, parent must pick up or EMS will be called.

Other Physical Symptoms

Some additional physical symptoms and illnesses warrant exclusion from school. See the chart below for specific information. 

When should I keep my child at home?


Pattern of stools interferes with child's ability to participate in normal school activities.


The student has vomited two or more times in previous 24 hours unless vomiting is determined to be a noncommunicable condition and child is not in danger of dehydration.

Undiagnosed Rash

The student must provide a current statement from a licensed healthcare provider stating that the presence of rash does not represent a contagious illness and that the student can perform normal daily activities.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Until resolved or until student provides a statement from a licensed healthcare provider that they are no longer contagious

Strep Throat

Until 24 hours after treatment begins and child is fever-free for 24 hours


Until 24 hours after treatment begins

Head Lice

Students found to have head lice will be excluded from school.

The procedure that school staff follow when head lice are confirmed is as follows:

  1. Parent will be contacted to pick up the student. A packet of information will be given to assist in getting rid of the lice. A note will go home to student's class.

  2. School staff must recheck student in presence of parent betore student can return to school.

  3. A student with nits only will be allowed to return to class.

  4. A five-day recheck will be done to ensure lice have not returned. If nits only are found, an additional recheck will be done in another five days. If live lice are found, the student will once again be excluded from school.