Digital Storytelling
First, I created my story. It took me about twelve days to write. I edited the story many times, to make it make more sense and to be funnier. I got the idea because to write my story when I ate McDonalds while watching a Star Wars movie. Then I had to make my pictures. At first I drew the pictures and put them into the slides by using Google Camera, but I decided that it would look better if I used Google Images, and Google Shape to make the pictures. It took me two days to make the pictures.I did the credits at the end, so I did not have to add things to it as I work. The credits took only one day to be completed.
"I'm Rosie the dog" process
First when my librarian “Mrs. Greer" explained this project to us I knew exactly what I was going to write about, my dog Rosie and her experience when we took her to nulu, a downtown area.
I got started by making a canva slide presentation. I started writing the story and splitting it into pages. I was super excited and had already had a full vision of what it was going to look like. I wrote for a few days and kept editing the story or punctuation. With the help of Mrs. Greer I was able to fix pretty much all the spelling and make my story make sense.
In my head I have a voice for my dog. She is only about 9 months old so she has extra S's at the end of some of her words. She also has a lot of sass so in her voice she generally has a little more of an attitude. After I was done with my story I added in some graphics such as little toys and cheese, as she states in the text she loves cheese and playing with her toys which is very true.
Next I added in some other images of rosie. Some of those pictures were taken by my mom and some were taken by me. I also added in some speech bubbles that said some things she was probably thinking when she was telling the story and when she was in the story. Like when we got pizza. She is always trying to take our food no matter what it is. So in that graphic she was telling the pizza she wanted to eat it.
After that I did a little more editing to my slides like adding a font and color to my writing. I added the font "sweet dreams" because I thought that it matched Rosie. I loved how the dots on the i's were hearts. I changed the color of the writing to a darker blush pink because her name is Rosie.
At the end I added her signature and used the font "finger paint" because I imagine she has very messy handwriting. I also added a picture of her in pajamas (yes my dog wears clothes) because she was sooo tired from telling the story. She was really tired because she is a very small dog (which is why I think it is really funny that she has an attitude.)she only weighs 7 pounds!
That was the last thing I did before writing this process.