Dress Code

Bowen Dress Code

Bowen Elementary has a dress code that is designed to:

  • Make certain all students are comfortable, safe, and ready to learn.

  • Enable students to participate fully in ALL school activities.

  • Reduce distractions in the classroom for ALL students.

To accomplish this, the following dress code rules apply:

  • Shoes—Shoes should be comfortable and have a closed heel. Gym shoes are recommended every day and are required for participation in physical education (PE). Shoes without a back, such as flip-flops, clogs, sandals, and mules, are unacceptable. Platform shoes, high heels, and skate shoes are also unacceptable.

  • Shirts—Spaghetti straps and midriff-baring shirts are unacceptable. Shirts must not contain advertisements for tobacco, alcohol, or firearms; violence; or inappropriate language.

  • Shorts, Skirts, Pants—Shorts and skirts must be of an appropriate length (the buttocks must be covered). The fingertip rule is a good one! Pants must be worn at the student’s waist. 

  • Jackets and Coats—Students should always dress according to the severity of the weather.

Dress code violations will be addressed on an individual basis. If assistance is needed in providing appropriate clothing that meets the Bowen Dress Code, don't hesitate to contact our Family Resource Center Coordinator, Meghan Paris.